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What weird names do you have in your family for certain foods?

16 replies

LordOfTheFlies · 01/06/2011 00:37

Names that no-one else would figure out and you wouldn't want to shout in the supermarket" Oh DH can you get some..."

Cream of Toad Soup- no idea why.Heinz Cream of Tomato
Old Mans Underpants- had a family curry meal and huge naan bread in a paper bag. Soft and white tinged with brown
Sausage Quiche- no idea ,its a veggie spinach quiche
Lemon Turd- self explanatory.
Meef Bince- what my DD asked for in veggie lasagne. She meant the quorn and tomatoe sauce and was thinking beef mince.

OP posts:
nothingnatural · 01/06/2011 04:29

We have Vaginamite (Vegemite) and Penis Paste (Peanut butter). Causes HUGE hilarity when my parents come to stay.

Love your Lemon Turd. Grin

Mumcah · 05/06/2011 16:19

Marmite= buckle. No idea why DD calls it this,took months to realise what she was on about.

bigbadbarry · 06/06/2011 09:23

My dad always calls rice pudding, chinese wedding cake.

CogitoErgoSometimes · 06/06/2011 10:38

Chish and Fips... Snake and Pygmy Pie... Frog in the Bog (toad in the hole)... Corn on the Knob...

seeker · 06/06/2011 10:41

I make a cheese and bacon pastry thing for picnics that's called Turnip Surprise.

tomhardyismydh · 06/06/2011 10:54

I once made beef wellington for christmas dinner, dd told everyone we had sausage roll for xmas dinner, when met with a lot of Hmm from others I did just say, well I have to admit it was a gregs so that is ok isnt it?

throckenholt · 06/06/2011 10:54

cod liver oil capsules are called "dog pills" - I can't even remember why this confusion arose in the first place.

And ketchup is called red stuff (obviously).

WoTmania · 06/06/2011 13:20

Spaghetti below the knees -

acatcalledbob · 06/06/2011 13:35

Ketchup in our house is called seesal and kiwi fruits are kiki fruits.

JetLi · 06/06/2011 16:33

spanky is scampi here Smile

NormanTheForeman · 06/06/2011 16:35

Corn on the cod in our house (ds used to think that was what it was really called).

My dad had some odd ones - for some reason a tomato was a "numney"....

KnitterNotTwitter · 06/06/2011 16:37

Potato Dauphinoise gets called Potato Dolphins at our house

jaffacake79 · 06/06/2011 16:40

Same as Knitter - Dauphinoise are dolphin potatoes

A mezzé kind of meal, with loads of picky bits is called a Poopoo platter. No idea where that one came from!

5GoMadOnAZ650 · 06/06/2011 17:28

My sister has always called pork crackling "butlins" she is very random though!

notapizzaeater · 06/06/2011 19:23

bubble and squeak = slop - DS regualary asks Nannan for slop ...

QueeferSutherland · 07/06/2011 23:26

Poppadoms are called "Dr Moose" chez Sutherland. It's something DS used to say.

Chips are "bips", ketchup is "kitchup", and nachos are "snachoes" for the same reason.

Toblerone are "Trombones" thanks to DD.

DH & DD say onion in a really odd way. Like "HuuuuunYuuuun".

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