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If you have a fish pond, fish tank or are seeking advice about keeping tropical fish, you can find advice on our Fish forum.



6 replies

kreecherlivesupstairs · 18/02/2011 13:48

Probably spelled this wrong, sorry. Can anyone who has one help me out.
DD is very keen to get a pet once we return to the UK. DH suggested an axalotl, he doesn't know what one is Confused, but someone told him that they could walk around even though they are fish.
Can this be true. I would yahoogle it, but I am just off to collect DD from school.
Many thanks in advance and apologies if this shows my D but gullible H in a poor light.

OP posts:
EauRouge · 18/02/2011 17:30

They are aquatic but they aren't fish (although one of their nicknames is 'Mexican walking fish') so I only know a little about them. They are aquatic salamanders and are sort of like half-developed tadpoles- they still have gills but they also have legs. They don't grow into anything though. They are fairly popular pets and from what I can tell they are pretty easy to look after.

thisisyesterday · 27/02/2011 19:53

yep they're salamanders. but strangely they reach maturity without undergoing metamorphosis, so stay in their gilled fishy state. so they need to be basically kept as a fish although they have legs so can walk around on the bottom of the tank

I believe you can induce metamorphosis, but it's not something you'd probably do at home

readinginsteadnow · 27/02/2011 20:00

I always wanted one, for years, s a kid; never got one. They're so cute, I think it's their kinda fat wide faces Grin Get one!!!

kreecherlivesupstairs · 28/02/2011 08:54

thisisyesterday, you know a lot about them Grin. Would we need special tools [vivarium for example] or would a fish tank be OK?
I should add this won't happend until July at the earliest when she and I return to England.
Are there specialist Axolotl breeders?

OP posts:
thisisyesterday · 28/02/2011 11:35

no special things, you'd just want a really lovely big fish tank- around 15 gallons upwards (70 litres or more)

They can be a bit um, cannibalistic, so you'd only want one.
they can't really be handled either as their skin and gills are sensitive.. you're basically keeping a cool looking fish with legs!

thisisyesterday · 28/02/2011 11:38

there's some good information on them here actually

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