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Can I put my goldfish in to my neighbour's pond?

9 replies

alfabetty · 24/10/2010 21:29

To re-home them? Will they survive? They currently live in a cold water tank with no pump, just treated tap water.

OP posts:
EauRouge · 25/10/2010 08:24

Depends on the pond, it needs to be quite deep for goldfish to survive. Now is the completely wrong time of year to move them as well.

If they have no filter in their current tank then you need to move them ASAP or get them a more suitable tank. I'd phone your local aquatic shop and see if they'll rehome them for you.

alfabetty · 25/10/2010 20:17

They've been in that tank for 2 years and seem pretty happy!

Our neighbours have a deep outdoor pond, so I wondered whether they could go in there. Our local pet shop closed, otherwise I'd have asked them to take them back.

Otherwise I'll ask around DD's school friends, but I wondered if the pond would be a better option.

OP posts:
childrenofthecornsilk · 25/10/2010 20:17

if the other fish are bigger they will eat them

EauRouge · 25/10/2010 20:54

Goldfish are very tough and can survive in pretty awful conditions. Sorry if it's bad news but keeping them in an unfiltered tank is very very bad for their health. If you have a read of this and this it will explain more.

The pond is definitely a better option than an unfiltered tank and if you are going to move them this time of year (which I really wouldn't recommend) then you should spend a long time acclimatising them to the temperature difference.

Rehoming them somewhere else would be the best option, is there a local aquarium club that might be able to help you out?

Goblinchild · 25/10/2010 20:57

Why now, after two years?
Could you hang on til around May before putting them in the pond?

alfabetty · 25/10/2010 21:06

Thanks for the link. They are fancy goldfish, I think, long floaty tails.

We're emigrating, so will have to re-home them before Xmas.

Will try school friends, and freecycle as a last resort. No sign of a local aquarium club. But I won't offer them up for my neighbour's pond!

OP posts:
EauRouge · 26/10/2010 09:26

If they are fancy goldfish then they can't live in a pond anyway, they are too fat to get away from herons and cats fast enough! And they can't take the lower temperature.

Try some fish keeping forums, you might be able to find someone local on one of those that can rehome your fish for you.

CerealOffender · 26/10/2010 09:30

try freecycle

alfabetty · 26/10/2010 15:45

Thanks for the advice.

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