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Juliet, naked

5 replies

FullMetalRabbit · 07/11/2018 06:29

Started slow then slowed down

From the trailers it looked like it would be a comedy, it really wasn’t

We all looked at each other at the end and said “was that it?”

OP posts:
Chickenwings85 · 07/11/2018 16:58

Well that's disappointing to hear! It was filmed in my home town so I was really hoping it was going to be really good. I'll still give it a watch though but I now know not to expect much.

MyOtherProfile · 07/11/2018 16:32

Oh that's really disappointing. I love Nick Hornby. Having said that, I can't remember anything about the book so maybe nothing much happened in that either.

FullMetalRabbit · 07/11/2018 16:28

yeah, I had high hopes for it too - it just doesn't really get going and then it ends

OP posts:
user1981287 · 07/11/2018 14:03

My DSs were very nearly in this movie!

SeekingClosure · 07/11/2018 14:02

Aw that's a shame I was looking forward to this after seeing the trailer before Mama Mia 2. The reviews were good too- but so were the first ones for Halloween Angry

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