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Woman arrested for attempting to get access a horse for sexual act purposes

251 replies

OhHolyJesus · 25/07/2021 12:44

“Arizona Woman Arrested For Using Craiglist To Find A Horse To Have Sex With”

And to be more specific so to save of link clicks:

Waelde’s post in the Missed Connections section, which was published on April 8, stated: “I am 22 years old and I want to play with a male Horse. simple as that. If you have access to a Male horse, and can allow me access to a male horse, then contact me please 😉 I will do something in return.”

All I will say is at 22 you have to wonder what this person has been exposed to in their young life to be interested in such an undertaking.

OP posts:
Helleofabore · 29/07/2021 00:18

[quote MarshmallowSwede]@Helleofabore

It is really something to see. I would think at some point they would take a step back and realize how unreasonable they are.

But i think we are too far gone. They are literally upset that we are pointing out that a trans identifying male has attempted to sexually abuse an animal and we are the villains?

At what point if any do you think they will stop this madness? I am tired of the gaslighting and their willingness excuse the most heinous of crimes because someone is a trans woman.[/quote]
Well. On the positive side, it is important to know that there are trans people who support the strengthening of the rights of females and children against the negative effect of these conflicts. They are out there and are most likely silent out of fear.

That, and the fact that more and more people are being aware of the issues. And that even on MN, only those who show their ignorance continue to tell us that we are extremists in the minority after seeing the AIBU poll results.

I genuinely do want to see new papers and studies for myself. I always try to do that extra step and I know that I am certainly in good company in that habit. I live in disappointment though as they are rarely posted.

OhHolyJesus · 28/07/2021 22:50


I asked about how the US crimes are recorded. The implication seems to be on this thread that they are recorded by identified-with gender rather than sex at birth or transwoman/ transman - I wanted to know if this is true or not.

To answer your question. This protest is happening for good reason.

OP posts:
MarshmallowSwede · 28/07/2021 22:29


It is really something to see. I would think at some point they would take a step back and realize how unreasonable they are.

But i think we are too far gone. They are literally upset that we are pointing out that a trans identifying male has attempted to sexually abuse an animal and we are the villains?

At what point if any do you think they will stop this madness? I am tired of the gaslighting and their willingness excuse the most heinous of crimes because someone is a trans woman.

RainbowZebraWarrior · 28/07/2021 20:52


Women by sex should not be blamed for male by sex crimes.

I mean, this is the feminist forum. Are you in the wrong place?

Shouldn't need repeating, but somehow I feel I have to.

Sorry state of affairs - still having to fight our corner in 2021. In fact even more so. World has gone backwards.
Jorriss · 28/07/2021 20:31

And it's not your job to run round and find resources for people to lay at their feet. To which they reject and demand more. Time consuming and pointless. The internet is at our finger tips, it's all out there. I would suggest that people spending time actually searching for the answers to their questions is time well spent indeed.

Chickenyhead · 28/07/2021 20:22

Well as it isnt relevant meh

Jorriss · 28/07/2021 20:20

Google it then. This isn't a library.


suggestionsplease1 · 28/07/2021 20:19

I have googled it, and can't find any clear answer, I would guess from the fact that they are generally housed according to their born sex that they are probably recorded as crimes by born sex in the same way, or by trans status, but I can't see anything clear on this.

Chickenyhead · 28/07/2021 20:16

Google it then. This isn't a library.

Ninkanink · 28/07/2021 20:16

Crimes should always be recorded, reported and discussed by sex.

There shouldn’t be ANY men in women’s prisons.

Kanaloa · 28/07/2021 20:14

You would think it would have made more sense for them to identify themselves as an equine-identified person.

I wonder what kind of weird you need to have been exposed to to want to do this. Above all else, it must just be so dangerous. I did see online a while ago a girl who had sex with her dogs I think, and I remember thinking how has she gone all over the internet with this and nobody (like the rspca or something?) is interested.

suggestionsplease1 · 28/07/2021 20:14

I asked about how the US crimes are recorded. The implication seems to be on this thread that they are recorded by identified-with gender rather than sex at birth or transwoman/ transman - I wanted to know if this is true or not.

Chickenyhead · 28/07/2021 20:11

There is an English one too.

Worth looking at changes in the legislation if you want to post in good faith.

Which you don't.

suggestionsplease1 · 28/07/2021 20:10

Is there a different case being referred to? The first link is to a case in Maricopa County, Arizona, US.

Chickenyhead · 28/07/2021 20:09

Why don't you trot off to those forums. Or indeed do a simple numbers comparison between men by sex and women by sex in prison.

Oh yes, because finding fact is not your agenda.

Chickenyhead · 28/07/2021 20:04

We aren't in the US, this is a case from the UK.

There have been several state changes to prison allocation in the US this year, since Biden signing the executive orders on 21 January. You must have missed them. There is a california thread on this very board in fact. Have a look IF you are interested.

These crimes are being mis-sexed. This is a men's crime. As was Karen White and lots of others. There is a thread on that too, IF you want to look at it.

But you don't.

You just want to bully women.

Well done.

Chickenyhead · 28/07/2021 19:58

Women by sex should not be blamed for male by sex crimes.

I mean, this is the feminist forum. Are you in the wrong place?

suggestionsplease1 · 28/07/2021 19:58


I really don't understand why the sexual abuse of an animal has anything to do with the sex of the woman committing it?

That is fine. Others will have read the thread and will see that we are objecting to this being described as a female sex crime. And that it is also being used as clickbait which very much adds to the male view that this is a female sex act for their entertainment.

Your framing it as being transphobic to discuss this as an issue is a theme you have continued across many threads. However, you never seem to provide anything constructive by way of reasoning. You seem to be just set on aiming that pointy finger of shame.

That is fine too. Because those reading these threads see the lack of actual engagement, the lack of considered thought, critical thinking and discussion and realise that assertions by posters that this is transphobic is rather empty.

I think it can be a question of focus.

So if there was another forum out there that dedicated a section to stories about evil that women do, like say the woman who murdered her husband with a mix of boiling water and sugar, or the women who have chopped off mens' penises... the extent and dominance of that focus on one forum could lead to a misperception by readers of it that women are generally men haters, and that could be considered misogynistic?

Or if there was another forum out there that focussed on crimes committed by gay people, or crimes committed by a particular ethnicity, would that be problematic?

Are crimes committed by trans people in the US actually recorded in line with a person's chosen gender identity - does someone have the evidence for that?

They are certainly not generally imprisoned according to their gender identity according to this 2020 NBC News link - out of 4890 trans prisoners NBC could only find 15 who were housed according to their lived gender.
ScrollingLeaves · 28/07/2021 19:52


Her sex is her business. Her sex with horses isn't.

“Isn't what?

Her sex with horses isn't her business, and can be discussed by the public as all crimes can. Her sex/gender/whatever transphobes are calling it this week is her business and doesn't need to be discussed or disproved on a thread like this.”

I really don't understand why the sexual abuse of an animal has anything to do with the sex of the woman committing it? How odd that transphobes can leach on to such teeny tiny links.”

Sex crimes may be committed by a man (born with a male body) or a woman (born with a female body”.

By far the most sex crimes however are committed by people born with male bodies.

It is wrong - indeed a hate crime against women as a race (born with female bodies) - that sex crimes should pinned on them by means of legal, public records if in actual fact they were committed by a born man identifying himself socially as a woman i.e a trans woman. That is the objection.

Maggiesfarm · 28/07/2021 19:24

Oh please, it can't be real. She must be having a larf.

Though I'm not laughing.

Anotherlovelybitofsquirrel · 28/07/2021 19:15

If he ever gets near a horse I hope the horse kicks him in the head and he dies. Disgusting cunt.

Jorriss · 28/07/2021 19:07

Honestly it's amazing that this has needed to be pointed out a couple of times and that people STILL think this is controversial / terrible/ transphobic.

They deliberately misunderstand. Yet still we continue to persevere. It all provides sunlight when their posts are allowed to stand. And readers can clearly see what's going on.

Jorriss · 28/07/2021 19:04

RainbowZebraWarrior. 👏

ShadowInVain · 28/07/2021 17:39

Oh how I thoroughly enjoyed arresting and charging the sick twat. And yes he went to jail as he was already on a suspended sentence for drug offences.

Good to hear he got a custodial sentence - I think custodial sentences should be the norm for all animal cruelty, sexual or otherwise.

PurgatoryOfPotholes · 28/07/2021 17:37

Given that men have been known to deceive themselves that women saying "no" out loud in human language wanted to have sex with them, and that female human partners orgasmed when they didn't, I put ZERO value on any man saying the animal he was abusing "enjoyed" it.

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