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Fasting / 5:2 diet

Just started. NFD hardest part!?

3 replies

forevermore · 12/02/2014 16:31

Hello. I am new to 5:2. I find two fast days ok I deal with. But the NFD I am really carving chocolates sweets cakes biscuits (my normal diet unfortunately). And tips? It's my first week.

OP posts:
jenniferlawrence · 13/02/2014 17:31

Eating a filling, protein heavy breakfast helps to reduce my cravings for the day. If I eat a carby breakfast the day after a fast I'm ravenous an hour later.

It also settles down once your body gets used to regular fasts.

forevermore · 12/02/2014 19:26

I add four sweetex to coffee and teaConfused. I am gonna make that change. I keep saying it and never do. I think it really does keep me buzzing for more sugar.

OP posts:
frenchfancy · 12/02/2014 18:05

My tip is to get your fast days sorted before you start worrying about NFDs. Cakes sweets and biscuits are not forbidden. I find that once you think they are forbidden you crave them, but once I am allowed them I eat some then stop.

The other thing that really helped me with my sweet tooth was giving up sugar in coffee. I decided that I didn't want to waste my fast day calories on sugar, but I drink quite a lot of coffee. So I cut out sugar and milk - strangely I could cope with black coffee with no sugar but not white. it took a couple of weeks to get used to it, but now I find that the sweet things I used to love actually taste too sweet.

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