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Fasting / 5:2 diet

Raw or cooked calorie count?

6 replies

QueenofKelsingra · 31/01/2014 11:53

Another newbie silly question.

raw chicken breast 106cal
grilled chicken breast 148 cal

so a) why?? and b) which do I use?? do I need to look up cooked cal values for everything rather than raw?

Confused! Confused

OP posts:
frenchfancy · 01/02/2014 08:14

But the pasta in the packet is raw so the cal count is also raw.

AngieM2 · 31/01/2014 18:10

Though on say, pasta packaging, it just says 'calories per x' and doesn't say cooked or not.

QueenofKelsingra · 31/01/2014 17:30

ah, thanks french, that makes more sense!!

OP posts:
frenchfancy · 31/01/2014 14:49

You go off the one you are weighing. eg if you are weighing the pasta raw then look at the calorie count for raw pasta, if you are weighing it cooked look for the cooked value.

The difference is normally due to the water content after cooking.

AngieM2 · 31/01/2014 13:28

I was thinking only the same thing yesterday but about rice and pasta. I would go off cooked weights - though agree its not clear when you look at the packaging to understand if they're using raw or cooked.

mrsjavierbardem · 31/01/2014 11:57

I've been doing SW for a year and have only lost a wavering stone.

Better than gaining one but - my ds has just embraced 5:2 like a evangelist. So I'm doing that with him.

I just wonder if this is a brilliant tactic or a moronic one….
Today I have responded to yesterday's 'fast' by having three fig rolls and a massive bowl of porridge.
In SW terms that's too much.
Has anyone else put themselves in this strange position? Maybe it's untenable and they're somehow mutually exclusive!

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