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A (quick!) morning stretching routine needed.

4 replies

MazzleDazzle · 07/01/2014 17:23

I'm planning on starting every day with a burst of 1 min. activity (running on spot, star jumps, burpees etc) and a short stretch sequence.

Can anyone recommend a series of morning stretches?

And what should I do first - the activity or the stretching?

OP posts:
MelanieCheeks · 09/01/2014 15:35

I start my days with 2x20 push ups and squats. Can usuaully do most of them while teh tea is brewing.

TalkinPeace · 08/01/2014 20:13

Half Jacks
think a jumping jack but with one leg step out and opposite arm up to the ceiling
and back
in the same time as a normal jumped jack
surprisingly aerobic and great for folks like me with badly damaged knees

MazzleDazzle · 08/01/2014 19:35

I started my morning with a few stretches and a plank. Managed 1 min. Used to be able to go a lot longer! Will try running up and down stairs tomorrow Talkin. Will google half jacks since I'm unsure what they are.

OP posts:
TalkinPeace · 07/01/2014 19:30

march on the spot while the kettle boils - knees as high as you can
then half jacks
then run up and down the stairs four times
that'll warm you up

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