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Family planning

I'm trying to conceive despite facing fertility issues

2 replies

Riyasharma · 17/04/2024 08:39

Even though we're dealing with fertility issues, we're still trying to have a baby. That's why we're looking into IVF treatment. After checking out a bunch of places, we settled on Embrio IVF Center in Pune because it's really well-known and trusted. We're hopeful that this journey will lead us to the family we've been dreaming of.

OP posts:
CC222 · 17/04/2024 08:51

I hope the journey is a smooth and successful process for you x

KBACU · 22/04/2024 11:48

I work with lots of couples going through IVF. It's such a big moment to reach. I know that sometimes it can feel like such a relief to finally get to the point where someone or something else can take the responsibility for getting pregnant out of your hands.

Are you doing anything to support yourself during the process?

Acupuncture can be a valuable therapy to support you before and during the IVF process. Research suggests that it may enhance the success rates of IVF by as much as 65%. It works by improving blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, optimising the response to fertility medications, and reducing the stress and anxiety felt at this time.

I so hope your journey goes smoothly and gets you the family you dream of 🙂

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