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Family planning

2 miscarriages at 43, silly for trying more?

3 replies

MrsVM · 17/04/2024 07:54

My first time posting so please be kind. I've had 2 miscarriages in the last 6 months. The first a mmc last November at 8-9 weeks and just now a chemical / unknown location mc at 6 weeks. The first was really traumatic for me as it was totally unexpected but the second felt inevitable after only getting faint lines on my pg tests and poor HCG results.
I know this is all down to my age. I'm 43, very almost 44 and have been trying for our 2nd child for almost 2 years. Our beautiful DS is 3.5.
I feel silly for trying, feel silly for thinking I could still have a miracle child. I don't know if I can give up, but it's so hard on not just me but also my husband. Is anyone else in a similar position at all? Xxxxx

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Ididntmeantoyou · 17/04/2024 08:12

I’ve just had a healthy baby at 45. I started trying at 41 and had a miscarriage after a few months, then nothing for 3 years. Worked on my diet, step count, avoided plastics, took ubiquinol, finally fell pregnant again at 44, and it worked out! So don’t lose heart - it can happen. I hope it works out for you.

lifehappens12 · 17/04/2024 08:52

It's so tough. I was a little bit younger but had a healthy easy pregnancy at 38, had him at 39. Then had two mc age 40. After the second I said no - could not put myself through this again. Trying to get pregnant, getting pregnant and then the heartbreak of the losses.

We did try again and had my miracle second boy. Physically easy pregnancy but mentally tough.

I am glad we did it but we wouldn't have tried for ever.

I wish you lot of luck with whatever you decide to do and be kind to yourself

MrsVM · 17/04/2024 16:24

Thanks both for your kind responses. It's so nice to hear some positive outcomes.
I'm really grieving everything today and feeling very defeated, it's just really tough.

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