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Cerazette, anxiety and depression

3 replies

lightshaddows · 02/09/2016 18:58

I've been taking cerazette for about 4 years and am wondering if (having just read online,) whether it could be the cause of my anxiety and depression which started around the same time. I've been through a divorce and an accident so put it down to that but I'm not convinced. I generally feel low most of the time, with periods of intense anxiety that leaves me off work for weeks, in bed and sleeping a lot, yet still feeling exhausted. Before, I was sociable, chatty... Now I have so little enthusiasm for anything. My gp is referring me for chronic fatigue syndrome but I don't think it's that. Any experience?
Apologies if this thread appears twice, I posted it but it disappeared!

OP posts:
1wokeuplikethis · 08/09/2016 22:16

I've been on cerazette for 6 months and have come to the conclusion I think it's messing me up. I feel constantly low, depressed and anxious. Have zero libido. Feel chronically exhausted all the time, I can literally fall asleep several times a day, like narcolepsy. But even after sleeping I feel rough. I'm teary. I'm having bad thoughts. I have loads of headaches which painkillers don't touch. I'm ratty and sour and have nothing to talk about, other than how tired I am.

My husband asked me to go to the dr with my tiredness and feeling low. But I think it is related to cerazette so I'm going to stop taking it and see how I feel.

lightshaddows · 02/09/2016 19:20

Thanks cold, I'm thinking of stopping the pill because of this... I guess I just stop??

OP posts:
ihatethecold · 02/09/2016 19:13

I know how you feel op.
I've been on cerezette for 2 years and have developed anxiety but I have put it down to life events.
Personally the good outweighs the bad.
I don't have periods or pmt anymore.

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