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Family planning

Is there an age you can safely give up using contraception?

12 replies

atthestrokeoftwelve · 03/03/2014 14:08

Just wondered if I should still be using it. My OH feels we should, but is there an age that pregnancy is no longer possible?

OP posts:
atthestrokeoftwelve · 03/03/2014 14:23

Thanks everyone.

OP posts:
ilovepowerhoop · 03/03/2014 14:20

they might be rare but not impossible which is why the advice is given about continuing with contraception

AuntieStella · 03/03/2014 14:19

Yes, rare but conception is not impossible especially if still menstruating regularly (whether the pg is carried to term is a separate question, as miscarriage rate also increases significantly).

NickNacks · 03/03/2014 14:18

You are very welcome. Glad I could help. :)

ilovepowerhoop · 03/03/2014 14:17

are you still having periods?

atthestrokeoftwelve · 03/03/2014 14:16

Obviously menopause is critical but I am 52, no menopausal symptoms. My mother had her menopause at 59 but births are rare in women of my age?

OP posts:
ilovepowerhoop · 03/03/2014 14:15

from that link:

carry on using contraception for two years after your last period if you are under 50 and for one year if you are over 50.

atthestrokeoftwelve · 03/03/2014 14:14

Nicknacks thanks for that.

OP posts:
ilovepowerhoop · 03/03/2014 14:14
Weegiemum · 03/03/2014 14:12

My gynae (who has looked after me through my prem menopause) told me at least 2 years period free at my age (I'm only 43). If dh hadn't had the snip 10 years ago, I'd not feel happy with that!! I wouldn't want to take the risk!

I hope someone who has had a more"normal" menopause (is there such a thing??) will come along with better advice for you.

NickNacks · 03/03/2014 14:12

Erm after the menopause.

Did you do biology at school??

ilovepowerhoop · 03/03/2014 14:12

have you gone through the menopause? There is no set age as everyone is different but if you are still having periods then pregnancy is still possible

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