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Family planning

Mirena coil

4 replies

superchick1 · 28/01/2014 22:30


I'm new on here & just wondered if anyone is having the same problem with the mirena coil as me!!
I had the coil fitted feb 2013 after being advised by consultant to stop the pain I was getting! Up until august it was perfect! Pain gone, no bleeding at all but I am getting the most awful spots ever! Been put on tablets by doctor (which worked brilliant before) but now not working at all! Been to see doc about having it out as so fed up & down about it now!! ??
Has anybody else experienced this issue?


OP posts:
BellaI · 03/03/2014 22:58

I've had mine in for 2 years. I've been told I have Rosacea and my skin is appalling. I'm sure it gas got gradually worse since having the coil. I'm going to get it removed as my skin was always good.

JiltedJohnsJulie · 30/01/2014 18:33

If nobody else comes along, you could always post again in chat Smile

superchick1 · 29/01/2014 23:06


Thanks for reply anyway! :-)


OP posts:
JiltedJohnsJulie · 29/01/2014 06:59

I had spots before having it fitted so can't help sorry, just didn't want you to go unanswered.

Welcome to MN Thanks

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