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Family planning

Mirena coil help please!

4 replies

HenriettaPye · 24/06/2013 16:25

Hi all. I had a mirena coil fitted last month. I had a bit of spotting that night and the following day then nothing. My period came as normal when due and it's still here- now into 3rd week of constant bleeding and cramping. Is this normal? It's making me feel shit.

OP posts:
cupcake78 · 24/06/2013 16:53

It worked for me but took about 3 mths to settle. Maybe its not for you

HenriettaPye · 24/06/2013 16:36


I had it fitted to improve heavy painful periods- this seems to have made it worse! I feel like ripping it out myself SadSad

OP posts:
cupcake78 · 24/06/2013 16:36

Very normal! They can take a while to settle down but I loved mine. No periods, pmt compacted to 2-4 days instead if weeks. Totally worth sitting out the settling down bit.

barleysugar · 24/06/2013 16:29

Yes it's quite normal, in my experience. Since mine fell out (eek!) my periods have really improved!

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