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Family planning

No bleeding with Mirena

9 replies

niamh29 · 13/06/2012 23:27

Ive had the mirena in just over a year, no problems at all, I never had heavy periods and they gradually got lighter and lighter and now had stopped altogether, no spotting, nothing! Is that normal?

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mrtu · 16/07/2012 02:19

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Furball · 15/06/2012 07:06

I'm on my 3rd and have had one for 11 years - no periods here either Grin worth it just for that alone.

SpottyTeacakes · 15/06/2012 05:57

It's so, so unlikely to get pregnant with the mirena I suppose you just have a feeling

niamh29 · 14/06/2012 23:38

So if you are getting no periods how would you know you are pregnant? I don't think I am but just wondering?

OP posts:
squeaver · 14/06/2012 12:55

Yep, 6 years of no periods here. Love it.

SpottyTeacakes · 14/06/2012 12:54

I had mine for over a year, had it taken out a couple if months ago when I found out I was pregnant Hmm I had been getting 'normal' periods though so I reckon if yours have got lighter and lighter then it's working well for you Smile

OldLadyKnowsNothing · 14/06/2012 12:52

I've had mine for years, first 6 months had odd spotting, nothing since. Love it!

Seona1973 · 14/06/2012 12:51

yes it is very normal not to have periods with the mirena. I have only had mine in for 3 months and have only had some spotting and a 2 day period.

MirandaWest · 13/06/2012 23:47

Ive had a Mirena since 2008 and don't have any bleeding. Very very occasional brown discharge but that's it. I'm happy with that and whenever I've had a smear test and have said I haven't had a most recent period due to having a Mirena coil they have never suggested I should be bleeding.

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