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Beginner Piano lessons - what piano/keyboard do i buy her?

3 replies

Page62 · 09/09/2009 10:48

My dd (5.5) is taking piano lessons for the first time -- we have no piano at home. What beginner's keyboard/piano can anyone recommend - just concerned of a big outlay and finding out she absolutely hates it! (i don't think she will, but you never know!)
PS i live in london so anybody who can also recommend a piano shop......

OP posts:
Page62 · 09/09/2009 13:55

thank you!

OP posts:
CoffeeCrazedMama · 09/09/2009 10:54

Just remembered other one - Markson pianos. All google-able.

CoffeeCrazedMama · 09/09/2009 10:53

If you live in London most of the big piano companies rent out basic but good pianos for just this situation. There is no obligation to buy (they know some or indeed most children lose interest) but there is a big discount if you do buy after renting.

You could try Robert Morley in Lewisham as we found them excellent. There are others such as Jacques Samuel (Edgeware Road and much pricier) and another one in North London whose name eludes me.

Piano rental a much better option than a keyboard imo.

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