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Naming an instrument

9 replies

woolleybear · 05/09/2014 15:49


Dd is about to start learning the clarinet and as such we are in possession of a lovely new clarinet! It is on hire from the music shop with the option to buy to be decided after 4 months. As there is the possibility that we will be returning it, how is best to go about naming it, or the case? I am absolutely paranoid about dd carrying it around but as she will be the only clarinetist in school hopefully it will not get mixed up with anyone elses!

OP posts:
Theas18 · 10/09/2014 09:05

I'm with Julia! I though you wanted to call it Brian or something!

Luggage label on case and maybe a bit of red ribbon ties round a non functioning part?

Ultimately plastic instruments here have a sticky name label on each part ! Dh names recorders before they are issued. Image 20 descants and 20 7 yr olds!

Ishouldbeweaving · 05/09/2014 17:53

There's a hand holding thread for the term (currently "Autumn term music and music exams thread", no stealth titles here), you won't be alone in being unmusical because there are a couple of us with nothing more than vague memories of school recorder. I didn't get that far, I dropped out at the chime bar stage.

JulieMichelleRobinson · 05/09/2014 17:49

Haha I read the title totally incorrectly. My instruments have names. At least, the good ones do. Grin

woolleybear · 05/09/2014 17:19

Thank you all for your suggestions, I am completely unmusical so I'm sure I will be back with lots more questions.

OP posts:
honeysucklejasmine · 05/09/2014 16:59

Its worth writing down the serial number too. Unusually found by the thumb rest on the back. Just in case! Smile

Ishouldbeweaving · 05/09/2014 16:02

You could tie a luggage label onto the handle with a name and phone number. I only thought to do this after DS had left his instrument on the school bus. It went back to the depot, they phoned the school, the school phoned me, I phoned the depot...I thought it would save hours if the bus company could ring me directly. He's only forgotten it the once so I'm hoping that it was a Y7 learning experience.

If she asks, there may well be secure storage in school to save her carrying it around all day. DS takes his instrument into the music department in the morning and it then spends the day in a store cupboard until he needs it.

AMumInScotland · 05/09/2014 16:02

DS has always had a luggage tag attached to the handle of his. It's worth also putting something with her name inside in case that goes missing though. If she's the only one it's more to help anyone reunite her with it rather than to stop confusion.

honeysucklejasmine · 05/09/2014 15:58

Ah, great! The clarinet is an amazing instrument! Lots October transferable skills too, so they'll have a whole world of woodwind instruments opened up to them.

I put a key ring with my name on round the metal parts of the handle when i was in lower school.

In sixth form I upgraded to my wooden one, it was unnamed but not left unattended. too expensive!

morethanpotatoprints · 05/09/2014 15:52

My dd has key rings and all manner of janglies and scarves on her cases and inside she has scarves, to wrap violin, all manner of bits and pieces with her name on and family photos/ other musically related stuff pinned inside.
They are like little tardis [es] tardi?

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