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Reading books recommendations

10 replies

xing · 31/01/2014 09:51

DS loves reading. DS reads wimpy kids, Tome Gates, Billionaire book series again and again, for Christmas and birthday presents, all he wants are more of these books. He also likes horribly history, geography book series very much. He reads Paddington, famous five, secret seven books series at school, but doesn't seem that interested as he did not ask me to buy more. I wonder if it is time to widen his reading range, he doesn't like happy Porter as he doesn't believe in magic, so he said. Can any mum give any book suggestions (I am not native British, so have limited English literature knowledge)? Thanks.

OP posts:
chaosmonkey · 03/02/2014 14:27

Helen Moss' adventure island books! They're like Enid Blyton, but without the sexism, racism and rigid class structures.

Both DS2 (11) and DD1 (9) love them and reread them again and again.

Picturesinthefirelight · 02/02/2014 19:46

We use the lovereading4kids website

They have lists of books by recommended age & genre publish reviews of new books by children (my two are on the panel) have lists of books for reluctant readers & dyslexia friendly books.

They also have a search facility where if you put in an author your child likes they will recommend similar authors.

xing · 02/02/2014 16:22

Thanks everyone for all your suggestions, I will go to library and look at these books and then decide which to buy.

OP posts:
lottieandmia · 31/01/2014 10:58

Also The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis and something by Roald Dahl, possibly like Danny The Champion of the World or The Witches maybe?

lottieandmia · 31/01/2014 10:54

Tom's Midnight Garden is a lovely book - I would recommend that.

Rosieliveson · 31/01/2014 10:50

How about the astrosaurs?
Not sure how old your DS but have taught children 6-8 who loved these books.

CURIOUSMIND · 31/01/2014 10:50

Captain underpants
Big nate
Chitty chitty bang bang

Taffeta · 31/01/2014 10:47

Mr Gum series
Roald Dahl
Neil Gaiman

DeWe · 31/01/2014 10:44

I love "Happy Porter" for "Harry Potter" I shall continue to call him that. Grin

My ds (he's 6yo) likes fact books. He likes the horrible history/geography/science but also other fact books about things he's interested in. He prefers the Adventure series (Enid Blyton) to FF/SS.
He really enjoyed some of the Swallows and Amazon series (particularly Peter Duck) by Arthur Ransome. He also enjoys Biggles, although that's probably because he likes WWII and flying mostly.

xing · 31/01/2014 09:52

Sorry Harry Porter.

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