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OWWWWW!!! Blasted Mooncup!

32 replies

MrsThierryHenry · 01/12/2008 13:30

Well I'm now better at getting my Mooncup out, and I've cut off most of the stem - there's just a tiny bit left. It still hurts - even when I push it higher up, as soon as I sit down it changes position and rubs.

Those of you who've cut off the stem, how far did you cut? The whole thing, so that there's absolutely nothing left and it just looks like a cup with a flat bottom? I feel as though I need to be brutal with the scissors but don't want to risk making it unusable. Heeeeelp!

OP posts:
Qwebec · 02/12/2017 03:14

The stem length has to do with how high your cervix is. Some testing is needed before deciding to cut it.

Schnapps00 · 31/05/2017 23:15

Mumhadenough I would advise not chopping too much off straightaway! I did about 5mm at time (only took 2 goes), stood up/moved around in between to see if I could feel it & then tried again..had more of an issue getting it out again - no going back once you've cut! ;)

FeminineWear · 28/12/2008 01:02

I use a washable panyliner as a back up, no disposables for me!

ReinDIORdroppings · 04/12/2008 22:18

Message withdrawn

MrsThierryHenry · 04/12/2008 22:12

Mumhadenough, having yesterday reached the end of my first experiment in Mooncuppery, I would say:

(1) don't worry! (really don't, not least because you'll tense up and won't be able to get the darned thing out!)
(2) be patient
(3) cut the WHOLE stem off
(4) for removal, remember their advice on bearing down little by little - it really will ease it down so that you can grab the base

I will definitely use it again, am delighted that I've not used a single tampon and only used a towel on day 1 as I was uncertain about how much leakage there'd be (there was none ).

Mooncups rock!

OP posts:
mumhadenough · 03/12/2008 23:55

Thanks, I'll make a note of those tips!

CuddlyUnderTheMistletoe · 03/12/2008 23:34

I have been using my mooncup for about 3 or 4 years and thinking about it, it is quite soft now compared to when it first arrived. I always boil mine to sterilise it so perhaps that helps to soften it.

I cut the stem right off fairly quickly and have no probs removing, sometimes if I bear down a little it helps me reach it.

As for the last couple of days of a period, I am definitely one for leaving it in all day. Infact [warning...TMI] my last period I left it in all day and forgot about it til the following evening!!
However, it doesn't seem to have caused any problems leaving it is so long. There isn't the risk of TS you get with tampons but I don't think I'll make a habit of it.

RedSantaHatOnHerHead · 03/12/2008 23:30

I ordered mine today!
it should be here in a few days but not really sure when I will get my next period (am breastfeeding a 7mth old) and first period was only 3 weeks ago, so it may still be a few weeks yet.

zazen · 03/12/2008 23:24

I cut off the entire stem and rounded it off so it is completely smooth - I remember the pain when peeing with the stem still on [ouch]

I always twist it a bit to put it in and out and I squeeze it a bit to let it come out folded up a bit, at an angle - one side first - otherwise it comes out in the round and I feel the need for an epidural [boggles].

Occasionally (on first two days) I end up with a Lady Macbeth problem (out dammed spot) but in the main tis OK if I remove it over the loo and tip it out there.

I insert it wet and it makes a big difference.

On the last days I leave it for 18 hours, so no problem there with 'dryness'. When I see that blood had turned to brown mucus (TMI) I use a boots / tesco pantyliner, and no moonie.

mumhadenough · 03/12/2008 23:19

I've got my mooncup ready for my first attempt at using next week. Now after reading this thread I'm dreading it!

What would be your best first time user tips?

Califraukincense · 03/12/2008 23:13

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DingDongDisasterAreaOnHigh · 03/12/2008 23:09

no stem on mine t all. sniped off all th way and smoothed it totally.
to release - reach in, squeeze with thumb and finger and wiggle a bit,then instead of just pulling down do it at an angle so front rim comes out first. warm water to rinse then slips back in.
and haven't yet found a solution to the tal end bit when not enough to use mooncup but trisk of knicker stain.

bran · 03/12/2008 23:03

KY is water based MrsTH. Any of the online (ahem) marital aids shops will sell a range of water based lubricants, so I'm told.

MrsThierryHenry · 03/12/2008 22:16

Takver, thanks for not going into your eczema probs!

Apparently you're only meant to use water-based lubes on mooncups (how do you even find out whether they're water- or oil-based?) but if I need to, that's a good suggestion.

So far water's okay.

Thanks everyone!

OP posts:
Takver · 03/12/2008 11:52

MrsT have you tried using some lubricant? I've tried all the funky folds, inserting wet and so forth, but I've found a splodge of ky round the edge makes it massively easier, and it seems to settle in place better once its in as it can slide around rather than wedging iyswim.
I definitely became a mooncup user on sufferance - I hate tampons, and have used washable towels for years, I've only switched to the m/c because of eczema problems (which I will not go into ), but tbh I have really got used to it now and I don't think I would stop using it even if the eczema clears up.

boogiewoogie · 02/12/2008 22:37

Agree about the snipping the end off. I did this at about month 3 and it felt a lot better. I also insert it wet and rotate the cup to ensure that the suction is working properly.

To take out, I pinch the base and wait for it to "squelch" then slide it side to side.

MrsThierryHenry · 02/12/2008 20:45

I'm a brand new moonie user - it's just day 3! It's good to know that it takes time to settle, and that the cup itself will soften (though the idea of dedicating a whole year to getting it right fills me with trepidation! Thankfully it's already better than day 1).

Good tip, bran, re inserting wet, also I'll try your slanting removal approach as that sounds like what I need to do.

Thanks also ScarletA, for your thoughts on what to do on lighter days. It's such a different mindset to not have to check your tampon every 3-4 hours, it does seem wrong to leave the old mooncup up there for so long. But if it works, great!

Just 3 days in and I already feel more comfortable with using it - pushchair, I highly recommend that you snip the whole stem off; certainly for me, even just 1 mm of stem was rubbing and causing me the same pain that your experiencing (not the hip thing, although I don't really stand that way so who knows?!).

What would the world be without MN? There'd be a few more tampons on the waste heaps, that's for sure.

Thanks again, everyone!

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pushchair · 02/12/2008 18:39

Sitting on my mooncup now and feel I need to be very cautious when getting settled. Also when standing with one hip out iyswim. Possibly need to trim further but I will be experimenting next month. At least the backache has not returned so hopefuly that was period pain and not good grief what the hell is that up my fanjo type pain.

bran · 02/12/2008 18:26

MrsTH, rinse it under the tap and insert it wet.

Also, how long have you had it? I found it got a lot softer after a few months and so easier to insert and remove. To remove I slant it forwards and then back a bit to ease it out rather than trying to press the rim inwards. That way the full width of the rim doesn't leave at the same time. Don't slant too much if it's very full though as it may spill.

ScarletA · 02/12/2008 16:47

Chopped all my stem off too. As for the last days of period - this is when Mooncups come into their own. In they go and you can leave them all day without even thinking about it. No more dragging your innards out on a tampon.

Not sure what to suggest about the red hand gang situation. I think everyone's fanjo is different inside (though I'm no expert) and it takes time to get the hang of the old moonie. It sounds like you haven't had yours long? Took me at least 3 months to really get to grips with it

Does anyone find that on your heaviest days it slips lose and tips?

MrsThierryHenry · 02/12/2008 16:36

Also, what do you use towards the end of your period when you're less moist (scuse the graphic talk here, btw)? Do you still use the Mooncup? Don't you find it resistant to go in? I'd ordinarily use a towel or panty liner but no tampons on my lightest days so I'm curious to know how Mooncuppers go about it.

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MrsThierryHenry · 02/12/2008 16:34

I have the 'big flappy fanjo' size . Finally cut the whole stem off yesterday and it's loads better.

However I do find it painful taking it out - that last inch or so is really hard to do! The cup dips in as I'm easing it out, and then POP! Just as it's coming out suddenly pops out again and this hurts my insides (sympathy please?!). Has anyone else had this? Because I can't control the cup pressing inwards as I pull down, I always seem to end up as a member of the red hand gang. Is this normal?

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bristols · 01/12/2008 19:47

I cut all mine off, too. I can pinch it between my finger and thumb to release the suction to get it out.

I love mine too!

noonki · 01/12/2008 19:43

I had to cut ALL of mine off. or else it hurt me. and use a finger up the side to release the succion.

Takver · 01/12/2008 19:21

What size do you have & might it be too big?? I had the larger size (as per their instructions) & I found the cup painful whatever, couldn't get it in a comfortable position, it shifted around all over etc etc.
As a last ditch attempt I got a small size one and it is so much better, no problems at all getting it comfortable & I can hardly even feel it when its in.

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