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The University of Essex? DS wants to pick it over Cambridge...

147 replies

DylanandDarcy · 25/02/2017 12:54

Does anyone know if this uni is any good. DS wants to pick it over Cambridge!!

Very worried about this. Any advice??

OP posts:
MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 25/02/2017 14:08

Ok so the issue is he doesn't want to leave home, not the actual uni?

If he's keen on science and is Cambridge calibre could he commute to Imperial or another London uni? Depending where you are in Essex then commuting to Cambridge could be an option.

MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 25/02/2017 14:10

I did wonder earlier if he had discovered that Cambridge wasn't a good fit for him (that may be right or may be a myth based on falsehoods/prejudice) but to go straight to Essex is bizarre.

Where do you live op? Has he had any practical work experience yet?

GetRidOfWelfare · 25/02/2017 14:11

Mot a troll. Essex doesn't churn out the best graduates

MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 25/02/2017 14:13

I think that's far too sweeping a statement GetRid.

I've recruited some great students from Essex Uni for some of the UK's top employers. It totally depends on the course and the student.

Although in this case the disparity between courses is quite broad.

DylanandDarcy · 25/02/2017 14:14

He has the option of imperial (applied) but how much would the commute cost a year?

OP posts:
MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 25/02/2017 14:14

A bit like Brunel and about 30 other Unis I could rattle through. Some courses and grads are amazing. Others... not so much.

MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 25/02/2017 14:15

Well seeing as we don't know where you live, could you perhaps Google that op?

ridinghighinapril · 25/02/2017 14:17

but he doesn't want to move out

It sounds like this is what is the reason for this choice rather than the university or course, in which case it could be 3 years wasted if it's not the right course at the right place.
If he has a place at Cambridge but is scared about moving home then could he defer for a year, do some travelling, increase his confidence?
Or is it deeper than that? Does he suffer from social anxiety or something of that ilk that may be influencing his decision?

BlisseyMon · 25/02/2017 14:18

Are you saying he actually has offers from Cambridge, UCL and Essex Confused. Did he use his other two options?

DuvetCaterpillar · 25/02/2017 14:18

The other thing is that if he wants to stay in science in some capacity after graduation, then the research community of biomedical companies, institutions and researchers in and around Cambridge is world class. If he wants to do vacation lab placements or to go on to further study, he'll have the chance to build some excellent contacts there, and to be exposed to some incredibly exciting science. Don't know anything about Essex, and Cambridge NatSci is properly tough, but the quality and intellectual excitement of science in and around Cambridge is stunning.

RaskolnikovsGarret · 25/02/2017 14:18

I can see why Cambridge might not suit some children, and am having similar thoughts about my otherwise academic DD. But there are many universities between Cambridge and Essex. London has plenty of great colleges for science, for example.

DylanandDarcy · 25/02/2017 14:23

We live in Chelmsford. I'm struggling to see where I can look at railcards. I'm trying to help him out as much as possible as he isn't willing to look at other options!!

OP posts:
Postchildrenpregranny · 25/02/2017 14:25

I have one DD who went to Cambridge ,one who went to a Russell Group Uni (regarded as one if the best in Uk ,and therefore probably the world ,for her vocational degree )Both have First Class honours
While the teaching at the second was excellent, the atmosphere and ethos were nowhere near as intense as Cambridge .DD 1 worked much harder than her friends at other 'top'universities . A lot of the teaching is one on one (where defend your essay to one of the world's top experts in the subject)or in small groups ,with other extremely bright people .Oxbrdge isn't for everyone but if it is ,you can't beat it for stretching the brightest of the bright

DuvetCaterpillar · 25/02/2017 14:26

Sorry, just seen update. If he's shy or anxious about living away, I'd encourage a gap year to build a bit of resilience and confidence - I was similar but didn't do one, and I think I would have found university stress easier if I had done so.

sendsummer · 25/02/2017 14:27

I would echo what ridinghigh says.

If an extra year would help maturity and tackling any anxieties then a discussion with Cambridge for deferral or other possibilities would be the best option. Much better than making the wrong choice of university. I am sure that the Cambridge college admissions tutor would arrange a discussion and further meeting if he emails his concerns.
If your DS can be rational about it then I would propose that starting at Cambridge does n't mean that he can't switch to Essex if it does n't work out.

Postchildrenpregranny · 25/02/2017 14:29

Surely part of the 'point'of university is to stretch you and take you out of your comfort zone,just a little? I don't think commuting from home would give him the full richness of a university education
Perhaps he does need to defer and build up his confidence ?

Qqnamechange · 25/02/2017 14:30

I live about 1 minute from Essex Uni.

I also did half my degree course there. Hated it. Very very low calibre of students. A high proportion of foreign students (good for the uni re money, not so great when you're doing group work, v cliquey with each other)

I wouldn't want my kid going there if they had another choice.

ErrolTheDragon · 25/02/2017 14:30

He has the option of imperial (applied)

I'm confused- has he applied this year and has offers for 2017 entry? Confused

MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 25/02/2017 14:31

He doesn't sound likely to get through a Cambridge interview at the moment so might be academic (excuse the pun).

DylanandDarcy · 25/02/2017 14:34

No he didn't apply this year!

OP posts:
BeBeatrix · 25/02/2017 14:35

Please don't let him do this.

I've know some people who have rejected Oxbridge in favour of even better courses (e.g. Imperial) or in favour of universities where they thought they'd be happier, but which are still excellent universities (e.g. Durham). Generally, it's turned out well, with no regrets.

But without exception, the ones who chose a poorer university over an excellent one (e.g. journalism at Stoke or Film studies at Canterbury rather than English at Exeter) have wished they hadn't, not least when it came to job-hunting time. And they've tended to partly blame their parents for allowing them!

Doje · 25/02/2017 14:39

I went to Essex Uni OP. I can thoroughly vouch for the overall university and campus. At the time I went admittedly a helluva long time ago it was highly regarded for the course I did and for a couple of other courses too.

PM me if you want more details.


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BlisseyMon · 25/02/2017 14:42

No he didn't apply this year!

I'm confused. You said he had applied earlier. Confused and you some specifically mention that he has applied to UCL???

Is he in year 12 or 13?

knowler · 25/02/2017 14:44

I know someone who did Law at Essex albeit 20 years ago and at that time, it had a reputation for being slightly alternative and left leaning. I don't know if that's the case now. As for my friend, she's ended up as a lawyer in a good firm. I went to Cambridge and have ended up as a lawyer in a good firm :)

ErrolTheDragon · 25/02/2017 14:45

Ok, I've just taken a look at this year's Times Good University guide (yeah, I have a year 13).

Overall ranking for the 3 places mentioned for biological sciences and overall uni ranking
Cambridge 1 , 1
Imperial 6 , 3
Essex 52 , 35

Essex really isnt in the same league, esp for sciences.

Still confused by the 'He has the option of imperial (applied) ' if he hasn't applied this year.

Has he considered anywhere else? A nice campus uni might suit him better than imperial. Also, what are his predicted A level grades?

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