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Prep Schools in and around Reading area

15 replies

munchy99 · 13/11/2014 06:16

Dear all,
I would like some insider advice if anyone can help me. I am relocating from overseas next Summer and have 2 DS, age 6 and 9. I am looking for a prep school for them which is not too academically selective but is good for the all rounder and encourages boys to flourish. Sport is important. I have been told about The Oratory Prep in Goring (but have concerns over the level of religious content in their curriculum? We are not Catholic) and St Andrew's in Pangbourne. Does anyone have any first hand knowledge of these schools? Any other recommendations? Crosfields? We are looking ahead for Senior Schools too, Bradfield? Abingdon? Blue Coats.

We are looking to live in Goring/Pangbourne area.
Many thanks :)

OP posts:
grovel · 13/11/2014 09:46

Lambrook absolutely fits your description. Not that close to Pangbourne/Goring though.

CharlesRyder · 13/11/2014 12:39


Bradfield is a lovely school. They don't play rugby though- don't know if that would matter to you?

Lonecatwithkitten · 13/11/2014 14:08

How far from and which side of Reading do you want to be?
There are a whole host of prep schools that regularly get children into all the schools you have listed.
Whilst you say not academically selective, some of the senior schools you have listed are very academically selective.

SoldeInvierno · 14/11/2014 18:26

Holme Grange regularly gets boys into Blue Coat and other very academic secondaries. Worth considering it

CharlesRyder · 15/11/2014 07:13

Bradfield and Blue Coat are really not very academic!

DH started his career teaching in one of those schools and, although they did have academic pupils, the ability range was very wide. The other school was even less academic.

Abingdon is more selective.

waterhorse123 · 16/11/2014 15:20

Brockhurst and Marlston Prep, nearer to Newbury than Reading, set in beautiful countryside and grounds, absolutely wonderful staff, lots of sport, riding, everything you could possibly want from a prep school. Pastoral care excellent. Boarding available either from one night per week up to full boarding. Couldn't recommend it more highly.

CharlesRyder · 16/11/2014 18:50

I'm glad to hear things have improved there waterhorse because when I went in to do peripatetic work 10years ago it seemed to be an incredibly unhappy school. Staff crying in the staffroom not uncommon! Very badly behaved children too.

Kidsncats · 16/11/2014 21:11

Dolphin School to the East of Reading (Twyford area)..however, if you are traveling from west Reading, this would be a nightmare journey.

munchy99 · 20/11/2014 09:05

Dear all,
Thank you for your replies. I am interested in the comments about Blue Coats not being very academic? I have heard they have recently pulled their socks up and are pulling in better results? Reading Grammar?
We are currently looking at St Andrew's Pangbourne (this feeds into Pangbourne College - anyone got any insider knowledge of this school), St Edward's in Reading and maybe Caversham Prep. We do not know where we want to live at the moment, we feel Pangbourne/Goring area may work for us. Thank you again for all your comments, its a complete mindfield ;)

OP posts:
susann · 20/11/2014 11:53

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waterhorse123 · 21/11/2014 18:08

Charles Ryder - really? Must have improved then because it seems a very happy school. Nice kids, very polite, good teaching.

CharlesRyder · 22/11/2014 09:31

In 2014 Blue Coat got 70% A*-B at A2, Abingdon 87% and Wellington College 95%. Reading Boys regularly get 90%+. That is a big difference, Blue Coat really is not in the top academic flight. I thought you didn't want a school that was too selective though? I don't know Blue Coat (other than by local rep) but Bradfield really is a lovely all-rounder school.

I'm glad Brockhurst is better now waterhorse.

SoldeInvierno · 22/11/2014 15:12

You cannot really compare Reading Boys results with the rest. Surely the other schools are full of children who sit the Reading Boys exam and don't pass. Very few who pass would then decide and go to a fee paying school instead. So by default, Reading Boys had already scooped out the children who will eventually get better results

disgracefullyyoung · 27/11/2014 13:38

Oratory Prep usually sends a few boys to Reading Bluecoat for Year 7 and a few more boys off to Abingdon for Year 9. Ties with Bradfield seem to be getting stronger. I suspect the same is the case for Moulsford. There's been a bit of movement between St Andrews and OPS in recent years - my impression is more often from St A's to OPS, but I could be wrong. If you're looking at G & S I'd say definitely check out OPS despite your reservations about the religious content. I know non-Catholic families who are happy with it and it has the huge benefit of being close by.

Fastcarsandsoftcats · 09/10/2015 08:56

I just wanted to resurect this thread to answer the question about St Andrews Pangbourne. I have 2 children there and I can't praise it enough. Academically rigorous for the brightest but inclusive for all the rest (I have one brilliant one and one who has a softer, more artistic focus). Facilities are awesome and plans are afoot to build an indoor pool. Teachers are on the whole super and the new head seems to be moving things along in terms of updating the 'vibe' which was a bit stuffy when we joined 6 years ago.

Kids go on to Abingdon, Wellington, Millfield, Marlborough as well as some more local schools like Bradfield College and Pangbourne College.

Hope this helps you if you're still trying to decide.

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