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Pre-prep assessment

7 replies

MrsMarigold · 10/11/2014 15:07

My DS had one at a school which would be perfect for him. However on the day he was dreadful lying on the floor during the story, grunting, kept coming to fetch us, hardly spoke, he then had a massive tantrum and bit me (most uncharacteristic). So we reckon his chances of getting in are nil, however he is usually lovely and has subsequently come down with mumps what would you do?

OP posts:
Michaelahpurple · 12/11/2014 16:25

You are probably done for but worth trying the "concerned to let you know he turned out to be coming down with mumps which explains his very un characteristic behaviour, but wanted to warn you in case of contagion issues ". If the school is oversubscribed to the level of the typical central London ones though I would be looking to your other options (I assume you sat for several)

Greenfizzywater · 11/11/2014 16:59

You could always get a letter from the GP if they were being difficult.

Not unless you saw the GP on the day, and be prepared to pay for it as this isn't an NHS service.

dietcokeisgreat · 11/11/2014 12:03

Oh dear, you poor thing. I have no knowledge of such things but I would just let the school know he was unwell. You could always get a letter from the GP if they were being difficult. Good luck!

shushpenfold · 10/11/2014 19:06

I would definitely contact the school as he was obviously unwell at the assessment. Hopefully you can go again! Good luck

vindscreenviper · 10/11/2014 19:04

How long was it between your school visit and the onset of your son's symptoms? If there is a chance he was contagious then it would be advisable to let the school know, just in case. They may ask you to return for another assessment when he is feeling better.
Hope he feels better soon.

MrsMarigold · 10/11/2014 18:54

He was vaccinated last week with the pre-school booster but the GP thinks he contracted it before the jab which is super bad luck!

OP posts:
horsemadmom · 10/11/2014 18:32

Vaccinate your child!

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