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When do you start thinking about secondary schools in the independant sector?

10 replies

MissyMew123 · 18/09/2014 20:34

That's it really. Slightly alarmed at some school websites saying 3-4 years in advance for registration.

OP posts:
MissyMew123 · 19/09/2014 17:39

happygardening funny you should say that, first hockey "match" on Monday, she's only been playing for 3 weeks, might be interesting!
Good time to meet some more parents and ask questions.

She's not the only one who's having to adjust to new routines.

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inthename · 19/09/2014 16:11

It varies according to how each school do their entrance tests. For 11+ entry it could be anywhere between start of yr 5 through to the January of yr 6, very important to check registration dates as some will take registrations right up to a week before the exam, others much earlier.

happygardening · 19/09/2014 14:13

What does you're prep head suggest? She/he should know about registration dates etc for the schools they commonly feed into. Have you talked to other parents about what their doing in terms of visiting schools, registrations etc. I used to find that when ever you watched a match at school that was the sole topic if conversation!

MissyMew123 · 19/09/2014 13:49

She would have to move at end of year 6.

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happygardening · 19/09/2014 13:33

As said above a lot obviously depends if your looking for yr 7 entry or yr 9. Our old prep headmaster used to schedule interviews with parents in yr 4 (for yr 9 entry) to discuss what schools we were thinking about and also make suggestions, parents were then meant to go to open days etc and then feed back to him in yr 5 I think there was also a talk to yr 5 patents about choosing a school. Many schools (boarding admittedly) which start at yr 9 will take registrations quite late especially if they don't pre test. It really varies from school to school.

MissyMew123 · 19/09/2014 12:42

Yes one of the senior schools is associated with the prep, but its all girl, very academic and v.exp. Of course shes quite keen on the idea as she sees the older girls everyday, but we have reservations.
Quite a few girls do move on there, but there is also a good mix of other schools too.
As the one senior school that recommends registering 3-4 yrs in advance is the associated one I will wait and see what the prep say as the year develops and they get to know her better.

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ChazsBrilliantAttitude · 19/09/2014 11:13

If there are any schools you are thinking of, check their websites. Otherwise my DC's prep usually starts advising parents about future schools in year 4 for those who are going to move at 11+

JammieMummy · 18/09/2014 22:13

Your prep school should definitely help you, unless they have an attached senior school, in which case they can sometimes be reluctant to suggest alternative schools. You will have a lot of time to work out which school is right for your DD and your shoes will have holes from wondering round them all.

I am so pleased to hear that she is enjoying her new prep school, the most important thing is that they enjoy school. I firmly believe that if children enjoy school they will earn naturally!

MissyMew123 · 18/09/2014 21:03

Oh ok, so it's different for boarding. We will be looking at day, but the two schools we are thinking of also take boarders. Kind of hoping the prep school will help with some advise on what suits daughter at a later date. She has just started y3 and has moved from a state school. She is so much happier and loving her new school.

OP posts:
JammieMummy · 18/09/2014 20:47

Hi Missy,

It really depends on the schools you are looking at! Not at all helpful I know. So for example we are just about to register DS for Radley College and he is two (madness I know but their lists are full by the time the boys reach the age of 6 approx.) where as Eton you just have to register before your son is 10 years and six months old and if you are considering day schools the registration period is often in year 6. I have a friend who has registered her DS (6) and DD (4) for Ampleforth and St Marys in the last year but I don't think it is a requirement for those schools to register quite so early.

So the best thing to do is look up the admissions procedure of the schools you are considering and then ask around (on here) to see if people have information about specific schools.

Sorry I cant be much more help

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