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"Easiest foreign languages to learn..."

28 replies

Erebus · 10/05/2013 13:08


Purely out of interest!

OP posts:
ZZZenagain · 13/05/2013 13:17

well done mastering 1000 characters. I know I could never learn to hear the tonal differences, so I have never tried to learn Mandarin. I had no idea that Swedish is tonal as well.

Shanghaidiva · 13/05/2013 12:38

Dutch is relatively easy if you can speak German and English. I haven't spoken any for years but find I can still understand newspapers, menus etc.
Mandarin has proved the most difficult for me. Grammar is simple - no real tenses, no articles, no plurals - just god awful tones. After five years I still cannot hear the difference between them, although have mastered about 1000 characters -

Bonsoir · 13/05/2013 12:24

"but most English learners I have come across have the idea that learning paradigms is very difficult and only for an intellectual elite."

I agree that this idea is widespread but it is so silly. The sorts of paradigms that whole populations learn when they are 7/8/9 are not exclusive or difficult. Just a bit tedious!

cory · 13/05/2013 08:54

Some of the difficulties can be to do with attitude as well.

German grammar is not actually like Swedish grammar at all, but my generation was taught that learning the paradigms was something everybody had to do, just like learning your time tables, and you just got on with it. So we thought of German as an easy language.

There is no reason it should be more difficult for English learners- grammatically English and Swedish have both dropped similar amounts of conjugation and declension- but most English learners I have come across have the idea that learning paradigms is very difficult and only for an intellectual elite.

losingtrust · 12/05/2013 17:16

Trying to learn Swedish at the moment and finding it easier to read as have degree in German but struggling to understand prononciation in shops etc whereas I also found Italian really easy after having done French. Russian was easier than Swedish. Got by more in Russia than Sweden. However the level of English is soo good in Sweden compared to Russia that the effort with Russian may be a better pay off. I have enjoyed Russian much more and DS and friends choosing to learn Russian and German.

cory · 12/05/2013 17:05

I'd say even the intelligible pronunciation is difficult to achieve in Swedish within a year because mistakes in tonal accent really does distort the meaning.

My husband can't pronounce my name accurately because after 30 years of living together and practising the language he still can't even hear that it has a different tone, let alone reproduce it. My family often struggle to understand what he is saying because he uses the wrong tone so ends up speaking totally different words.

ZZZenagain · 12/05/2013 15:24

It depends what you are trying to achieve. Is the aim true mastery and the attainment of a native-like pronunciation so that you might be mistaken in speech and in writing for a native speaker or is it about being able to read a newspaper and manage in a work environment? The former is difficult in every language and you have to be a bit of a fanatic to get there.

If we are trying to communicate in everyday situations with an intelligible pronunciation and read a newspaper, no west European language is really that difficult. It would take about a year of steady application and exposure (internet for instance). If you want to read specialist literature in your field but don't really need to speak the language, that is even easier.

To reach the level where you can comfortably and pleasurably read serious works of fiction is more challenging because you need both a wider vocabulary, including some obselete vocabulary and you need the meta language, all the background cultural information which the author is drawing on. Very up-to-date novels which include a lot of slang can be difficult to read too IMO.

Out of the western European languages, I imagine Portugese being the most difficult because I personally find it very difficult to hear anything out of a flow of Portugese speech (unlike French which most of us have learnt to some extent, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish). Portugese is the one that my ear finds the most slippery - or elusive maybe.

happygardening · 12/05/2013 11:17

Italian for me I am no linguist but after a fortnight in Italy I was surprised at how much I could understand and how much I could correctly guestimate.

Bonsoir · 12/05/2013 10:19

I agree about Spanish fiction - it is either a poor imitation of French fiction or else pretty unique and inpenetrable. Spaniards and Latin Americans seem to grapple long and hard with issues the rest of us don't bother with!

kelda · 12/05/2013 10:05

The problem with dutch is that you don't hear it regularly enough outside of dutch speaking countries. And there is not much point to learning it unless you are living in one of those countries. And even them I know plenty of expats who live here for years and never need to learn dutch.

I'm going to encourage my children to learn something that might be far more useful in years to come - Arabic or one of the Chinese languages.

MrsSchadenfreude · 12/05/2013 09:57

Hmm. I would say that Dutch is probably the easiest to learn for native English speakers. Spanish is easy from the grammar point of view (Dutch uses some constructs from German grammar, rather than English) as it is very regular. Swedish is tonal, so I wouldn't say that was easy for English speakers to reproduce. And languages do "follow on" - I picked up Dutch very quickly, living in Belgium, because I speak German. I learned Romanian quickly because I did Latin and Spanish at school - and if you speak Romanian, you can understand Italian, though apparently it doesn't work the other way round, according to my Italian colleague.

Portofino · 12/05/2013 09:19

Ha. When we have team presentations etc there is this annoying habit to keep switching between the 2. My poor old brain can't keep up. Better if they stick to one or the other Grin

kelda · 11/05/2013 18:55

Porto, flemish and French are so different, if you speak one, it is hard to switch to the other.

I'm struggling with french at the moment. I understand a lot when it's written down, but I'm finding it impossible to speak.

Portofino · 11/05/2013 18:52

My French is OK, though despite trying I find it nearly impossible to speak Dutch beyond the basics. Though I understand a lot. My Spoken Italian is better.

kelda · 11/05/2013 18:45

I speak Flemish and can understand Afrikaans fine.

The best languages to learn are the most useful ones.

DolomitesDonkey · 11/05/2013 18:43

Frisian is more NE Scotland dialect than English, but there are similarities. I don't believe it's quite as straight forward as she implies- my Dutch friends joke about Friesland and of course they're native Dutch speakers. Otoh my great-grandparents got stuck there (fishing boat) and my granny got by using her scots dialect - which isn't understood outside Aberdeenshire.

Bit tight I feel making Dutch, Frisian and Afrikaans separate languages.

I wonder what level of fluency she refers to. Having English, Dutch and a smattering of German I can follow Norwegian and Swedish - bit I'm far from dinner part ready!

MousyMouse · 11/05/2013 18:35

if you find any typos you can keep them...

MousyMouse · 11/05/2013 18:35

the easiest language to lern is one with the easy possibility of immersion (tv programmes in that language, visits/exchanges).

cory · 11/05/2013 18:18

Still a few irregulars in Spanish (la mano). But yes, the nouns are a good point.

I still found French easier, because the fast, rather slurred and very monotonous delivery of Castilian Spanish makes it harder to follow. I have studied Spanish for many years and done a language course at Salamanca, but I still find it far easier to follow a lecture or news item in Italian, a language which I have never studied at all. Also easier to get into French or Italian because there is more accessible literature (most Spanish fiction isn't all that accessible imho).

crazynanna · 11/05/2013 17:44

I chose Italian at school instead of French..and everything seemed to end in A,O or I...still failed though Blush

muminlondon · 11/05/2013 17:41

The easiest languages for English speakers aren't the most useful or widely spoken. (Although even the definition of 'useful' is debatable - for trade, tourism, Old/Middle English or comparative literature studies, community relations, opera singing, understanding of historical/scientific research?) English for speakers of other languages ticks a lot of boxes at a time. I still think French and/or German would cover a lot of bases too.

But I do agree that term of French and then a term of German is a waste of time. A taster week of five different languages with activities like cookery, music, films, calligraphy, theatre, etc. would be fun though.

choccyp1g · 11/05/2013 15:13

Good point Bonsoir, DS's primary did that, pretty much alternating French and Spanish from reception to Y6, and most of it was singing and colouring in....

He has got quite a good accent for some phrases, but actually has no idea which bit of "my name is" is my, name or is, in either language.

you see part of me thinks this kind of "foundation" language would be fabulous, and another part thinks "no it would be rubbish, just like foundation science, because they would just teach random easy bits and pieces instead of the actual building blocks.


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Bonsoir · 11/05/2013 14:40

I think lots of UK schools do introductory language courses these days - one term each of French, Spanish and German for example.

A complete waste of time IMVHO...

choccyp1g · 11/05/2013 14:32

I was thinking about this in the light of several recent "triple science or foundation science" threads, and I wondered if there could be scope for a "foundation foreign languages" course.

you'd learn the basics (especially the pronunciation!) in several different languages, but not get too bogged down in the fine detail of grammar for example

hello my name is, I am x years old
hello how are you
i'm fine thankyou
the days of the week
the months of the year
how to order from a menu
food names
I like .. I don't like

It would be a sort of travellers /beginners course. I think it would be really interesting to see how languages work, the similarities and differences etc. etc.....

[probably completely irrelevant to this thread though]

Bonsoir · 11/05/2013 14:18

Spanish genders are easier to learn than French (nouns ending in -o are masculine, nouns ending in -a are feminine and they are the majority) - French genders are a nightmare! And there are many irregular gendered endings of adjectives.

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