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dd cannot decide a levels.. psychology, philosophy or sociology?

41 replies

slartybartfast · 16/12/2012 17:39

well she shoudl be doing two of the above, as well as a double art.

OP posts:
TeamBacon · 17/12/2012 13:02

I would definitely make sure that art is A'level, rather than Btec, if that's what she wants to do going forward.

What sort of courses does she want to do going forward?

slartybartfast · 17/12/2012 14:14

so back to the drawing board Wink

art seems to be here thing but she is currently fancying study the above.
how about art and all of above in the title? or should she go english instead of sociology, well obviously she should, but she is not a star pupil and under no illusions about that, whereas in art she is a star

OP posts:
TeamBacon · 17/12/2012 15:53

Art is hard anything past a'level can be very demanding, so if she wants to do art then there will be a lot of graft. Our foundation was proper full time - 9-5, 5 days a week, and we had little time for anything other than homework tbh. You don't say if she's thinking of doing foundation after a'levels, but if she wants to do it at degree level a lot will demand it.

Always good to have a fallback subject but there's no point pushing her towards something she hates. English would obviously be a good one (and tbh potentially easier than philosophy, depending on the class!)

SunflowersSmile · 17/12/2012 15:54

Make sure she knows psychology can require a scientific mind [reason I didn't do it at degree level!].

TeamBacon · 17/12/2012 15:55

Good point.. does A'level psychology have a statistics element? (degree level did)

TheSecondComing · 17/12/2012 15:58

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Dancingqueen17 · 17/12/2012 16:21

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losingtrust · 18/12/2012 21:27

I have looked at psychology with a colleague whose dd was choosing it and another's who was doing it who really struggeled and in the end just scraped a pass although she was very interested in it. I do not know whether this is typical but it was by far the most popular A'Level at our local sixth form college but with the least percentage of high grades. This is just anecdotal but I would suggest you check the school or college as the teaching appears to be a bit hit and miss.

Pyrrah · 19/12/2012 14:13

Based on my own experiences, I wouldn't chose any of them.

I went to art college and studied textile design which is one of the less arty-farty subjects. Within 2 years of graduating, of the 55 of us in my class only 2 of us were still working in the textile industry and I went abroad to do so.

I've normally worked in unrelated fields. If you have a degree from art college, recruiters seem to regard you as talented but brainless. For that reason, I am glad that my parents insisted that I study 3 solid, academic A levels which proved that I wasn't.

You don't even need Art A-level to get on the Foundation course, just a portfolio of your own work.

breatheslowly · 19/12/2012 14:29

Psychology is a great subject at A level. It is gently scientific and a brilliant way to re-engage with science if you weren't keen on traditional sciences as the scientific method is really challenged by trying to apply it to people's minds.

I disagree with twentythirteen about it being a dead end for working in the NHS. If you want to be a clinical psychologist then you need an accredited psychology degree and psychology A level is a perfectly good A level (but not a requirement) for getting onto an accredited psychology course. It is very hard to become a clinical psychologist, but A level psychology is neither an advantage nor barrier to going down that path. I also disagree that it is boring at university level. I found it a brilliant subject at university.

I think art is hard at A level - there is no escaping the huge amount of time required to produce the work. Btechs may not be ideal for university entrance for other subjects and, sad though it is, I would be concerned about my DC's employability with an art degree.

caramal · 19/12/2012 15:53

Psychology and philosophy

bigkidsdidit · 19/12/2012 15:58

None of them are the sort of a levels universities like, unfortunately. I would advise art a level, one of that list and a more academic subject if poss. English?

TeamBacon · 19/12/2012 16:10

There's very little chance of getting into art foundation at the colleges near us without art a'level. They're heavily oversubscribed

boomting · 29/12/2012 03:03

If she is capable of, and thinks she might like to, go to uni, then she should rethink the BTEC. They're vocational qualifications and whatever the literature might say, they are simply not as well regarded as A Levels. If uni is a route she might like to go down, then I would also suggest Art A Level and two or three other A Levels.

There is still a lot of art work to be done in Art A Level - I can assure you that she won't feel short of art to do.

As for what subjects she should do, then

  • it's a big risk doing three entirely new subjects, as many people find that they are not quite what they imagined
  • Neither art, psychology, philosophy or sociology have the best of reputations as academic subjects, especially at A Level.
  • Psychology does have a stats element. However, it's really not hard (I'd describe myself as competent at maths but definitely no genius) and our teach absolutely spoon fed us through the stats. It's really nothing to worry about - I saw a girl who had to retake maths GCSE multiple times to get a C grade get through the stats element.

What GCSEs is she currently doing, what sort of grades is she likely to get, and would she be willing to carry on any of her GCSE subjects other than art at all?
slartybartfast · 29/12/2012 09:13

she is enjoying RE which is why she is interested in philosophy,
she does history but doesnt want to take it further, neither does she want to take music further.

OP posts:
hoodiemum · 13/01/2015 22:42

Hi Slarty
I'm interested in reading this thread as my DD is in a similar position now to your daughter 2 years ago. Arty, but struggling to pick her other a levels. What did your daughter go for? Is she enjoying them? Is she still heading for an arty course at uni?

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