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DS2 was hurt at school today

11 replies

PeachyPlumFairy · 07/12/2005 16:31

Apparently, child 1 hit child 2, who turned to hit him, missed and hit Stirling instead . He has cuts to his eye, then a gash that goes around under his nose to a graze on the other side of his mouth.

We collected him as soon as we were told (about an hour afterwards according to ds's), but they took him and gave him lunch first. Should they have done that, given his head hit the floor with some force?

The perpetrator is known to us as he is in Sam's class (the year above Stirling), his parents weren't even told as he hadn't meant to hit Stirling- no, but he had another child. But maybe his actions were OK in defence and I am being over protective?

DH tried to point out that this kid had hurt Sam on many occasions, and we were aware there were issues with him as his Dad had been folowing him around saying 'if I get called into school again today you're for it' the day before.

Dinner Lady cornered us and was telling us it wasn't an accident (only one that saw the incident) when the class teacher dragged her away saying 'it's dealt with it was an accident' repeatedly. so not sure what the Hell is going on. Dh tried to raise issues over lunchtime supervision (we have before) with Head, but was told it was irrelevant.

I am one Mum!

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PeachyPlumFairy · 08/12/2005 20:47

Dh has taken photos, yes. DS's 1 and 2 have said that the kid hurt DS2 again today, so dh (I am very shy, possibly AS myself and find these things very difficult, though I'll go too) is going in tomorrow afternoon to start to speak to people. He manages lorry drivers for a living, should be able to handle them!

I can't always trust DS1 as he misreads events, but I trust ds2 and friends and so HAVE to do somethng.

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FestiveFrex · 08/12/2005 20:02

If the head is avoiding you, write a letter demanding an appointment, copying the chair of the board of governors if necessary. S/he will have to respond.

Have you taken photos of the injury? Might be an idea to show the severity of the attack (so they can't claim it was a minor accident).

ImdreadinganAUTIExmas · 08/12/2005 19:57

It doesn;t matter if he's ADHD or not. If he's hitting other children it needs to be dealt with (even if the dealing with doesn't involve punishment but instead involves a change in supervision, lunchtime routine or whatever- which lets face it would probably be the best way). Sweeping it under the carpet is not on.

PeachyPlumFairy · 08/12/2005 15:33

Just got back from school, where I was cornered by a Mum and told her Daughter was a witness and that indeed, DS2 was the intended target of the attack.

DH asked about lunchtime supervuision and was told it was 'irrelevant'. Head has been mysteriously absent every time I have been up since.

I DO know this kid is borderline ADHD and his twin is ADHD (I'd have thought if one was dx the other would have it too?) and I had problems in the past with my AS son being pushy and expected people to accept him as he is, however if he really injured someone (OK he did once) I took action and got him some extra support. But I don't want to be a hypocrite on the SN issue.

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PantomimEDAMe · 08/12/2005 15:09

No wonder he's a thug then. But school have to come up with a solution that doesn't involve this kid having licence to thump everyone else. I'd be demanding to know how they are going to keep your ds (and other kids) safe, tbh. They are have the same legal duties as parents while your ds is at school.

PeachyPlumFairy · 08/12/2005 15:06

The problem seems to be, after asking around, that thug child is likely to get a bashing from his Dad if he gets told off. Nobody seems certain that this will happen, but everybody seems suspicious and certainly, the school went to lengths to prevent me talking to him and didn't even mention it to him yesterday. Bit of an ethical dilemma.

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SpaGlorytoBlog · 07/12/2005 19:29

Shock! Sounds like a cover up! I would want to know what the dinnerlady witnessed.
Definitely a trip to see the head.

WeWhizzzYouAMerryXmas · 07/12/2005 19:21

Poor thing - yes, I would go in & ask for a full explanation & see what they are going to do about Thug Child

jinglinggoblin · 07/12/2005 19:02

i would see the head and follow that up, especially if he has hurt your other son before. not on, sounds like they are trying to cover it up

NannyL · 07/12/2005 19:01

OMG thats awful!

Cant believe they are trying to get the dinner lady on 'their' side as well

Think i would be at the heads office demanding a FULL expanation, It sounds like the boy who did it should at least be suspended (even expelled, he sounds like a danger to other pupils) and WHY werent you called immediatly?

Yes you are right to be cross, im cross for you just reading it

zebratwizzler · 07/12/2005 19:00

omg, PPF, demand to see the head. This is not on.

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