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Was stupid - will I get charged?

2 replies

Stefka · 08/11/2008 21:01

I canceled all my direct debits with my bank account when I created a joint account with my DH. Forgot about this when a few months later I sold something on ebay and when they tried to get the charges from my account for the thing I sold it was refused. I have paid through paypal but the email said if the bank has charged then they will charge me. Am really anxious that I am going to get charged now - anyone know if I will

OP posts:
Stefka · 09/11/2008 08:04

Thank goodness for that - things not good for us financially which is why I had sold the thing I did. I would make no money of it at all if they charge me.

OP posts:
MrsMagooo · 09/11/2008 07:18

As you've paid your fees by another means it should be fine.

If a DD bounces due to insuffciant funds then the bank would charge you (they wouldn't charge Ebay) but as you cancelled the DD you shoudn't any charges from either end.

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