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4 day Free Listing 28 Jun - 1 Jul

7 replies

PurpleFrog · 28/06/2014 07:27

I have yet another invitation. Third weekend running! I have actually only managed to use 2 of this month's 20 free listings.

OP posts:
misscph1973 · 01/07/2014 12:45

Thank you, PurpleFrog. Must have missed that! I had a look at my account last night, and it's been reset, so I posted a couple of ads.

PurpleFrog · 01/07/2014 11:21

Misscph1973 - the rules for free listings changed on 13th May. Do you not get any of the eBay information messages? You now get 20 free listings per month, either auction or fixed price, which you can start at any value, then once these are used up you pay 35p per listing, unless there is another promotion of course.

OP posts:
alltoomuchrightnow · 30/06/2014 14:19

i only got 20 this month and used them up.
Then started paying 35 p per listing
Now just re listed something and it's free again , even though it's not July yet
v confused (I just posted about this in own thread)

alltoomuchrightnow · 30/06/2014 14:18

yeh i 'd like to know. where do these invites get sent, email?

misscph1973 · 30/06/2014 13:39

How do you get these invitations? And why do I all of a sudden have to pay 35p per listing in childrens clothes when I have not exceeded the 100 monthly ads? Can someone explain this change?

alltoomuchrightnow · 30/06/2014 00:37

:-( nope nothing. and i have 100% feedback

nickstmoritz · 28/06/2014 10:20

yay i've got it too. 4 days is handy.

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