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Welsh learners' thread

23 replies

orangejuicer · 22/07/2021 06:53

Croeso! Sut dych chi?

OP posts:
orangejuicer · 06/10/2021 06:47

Da iawn Punny!

OP posts:
SomethingPunny · 06/10/2021 06:09

Bore da, dysgwr arall yma. Dwi'n dysgu gyda duolingo hefyd ers cwpwl o fisoedd. Dysgais i yn ysgol ond dw i wedi anghofio llawer.

That's probably full of mistakes!

49281730209a · 09/08/2021 19:07


Dw i‘n hoffi Say Something In Welsh ond dwi ddim yn deall beth maen nhw’n ei ddweud Weithiau. Mae Isio fi transcript.

Ie, fi hefyd. Alla i ddim cofio'r sentences hir weithiau. Ac alla i ddim deall pan i ddweud 'bod' a pan i ddweud 'bo'fi'.
BestIsWest · 09/08/2021 17:26

Dw i‘n hoffi Say Something In Welsh ond dwi ddim yn deall beth maen nhw’n ei ddweud Weithiau. Mae Isio fi transcript.

49281730209a · 09/08/2021 12:02

Oh and apologies for the ridiculous username - I changed it ages ago and thought I'd managed to change it back but clearly not!

49281730209a · 09/08/2021 11:38

Bore da! Dw i'n dod o Chasnewydd yn wreiddiol ond wedi byw yn Lloegr am un deg dau flwyddyn. Dw i wedi bod dysgu gyda Duolingo am biti tri mis ac newydd dechrau SaySomething hefyd.

Finding the differences a little confusing - eisiau / moyn for 'want', angen / isio for 'need' and joio / mwynhau for 'enjoy' but enjoying the challenge to have to speak aloud, which I was missing on Duolingo.

Dw i'n hapus iawn i weld y 'Draignet' topic ac y thread 'na!

EBearhug · 09/08/2021 09:59

Bore da. Dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg ers... erioed. Mae dosbarth ar lein gyda fi, ond nawr, mae e'n wyliau haf, a dw ddim yn darllen Cymraeg o gwbl.

Bloody autocorrect.

orangejuicer · 09/08/2021 08:52

Bore da pawb? How are we all?

Good to have you sportsnight. How long have you lived in London?

OP posts:
Sportsnight · 05/08/2021 18:53

S’mae pawb. Dw i newydd ddechra dysgu cymraeg (and I hate autocorrect so much already!) Dw i’n byw yn llundain, a dw i wedi bod yn dysgu yn ystod y pandemig as a distraction. Mae deulu gymraeg gyda fi ond ddim siaradiwr gymraeg.

SisterMonicaJoansHabit · 27/07/2021 15:41

@thevassal I'm just chuffed I know what you've written, without any problems :) I left three years ago and it's died as a daily spoken thing in my household. Is why my comment was so clunky 😂 I don't get s4c here, or I would.

thevassal · 26/07/2021 11:10

bore da! sut dych chi pawb?
@SisterMonicaJoansHabit - dw i'n hoffi ponty lido ond dim tocynnau, bob dydd dw i'n trio Sad

Felly, ydych chi'n gwylio rhadlenni teledu da (yn Gymraeg)? Gwylais i 'Iaith ar Daith' and dw i'n eisiau wylio 'Y gwyll'....

No idea if any of this is right by the way, we need a fluent welsh speaker to come along and correct us Grin

SisterMonicaJoansHabit · 25/07/2021 20:01


Noswaith dda, dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg ers dwy blwyddyn gyda dysgucymreag Morgannwg. Dwi i'n dod o Pontypridd yn wreiddiol ond dwi i'n byw yng nghlifach goch nawr.
I have just found this forum.

Roeddwn i'n byw yn Trehafod, ddim yn hoffi Trehafod, ond mae Ponty yn wych iawn. Dwi'n saesneg, ond roeddwn i'n byw yng Nghymru am deg blwyddyn a hanner (?), rydw i'n colli Cymru, mwy a mwy.
BestIsWest · 25/07/2021 19:44

Dw i wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg gyda Duolingo a Say Something In Welsh. Dw i newydd dechrau level dau. Mae fy Mam yn rhugl a hi oedd fy iaith gyntaf ond she sent me to an English speaking school a dwi wedi anghofio popeth.

Also the auto correct is driving me nuts so apologies.
I find I know lots of words but not the order in which to say them.

MsBadger · 25/07/2021 19:23

Noswaith dda, dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg ers dwy blwyddyn gyda dysgucymreag Morgannwg. Dwi i'n dod o Pontypridd yn wreiddiol ond dwi i'n byw yng nghlifach goch nawr.
I have just found this forum.

LadyMonicaBaddingham · 23/07/2021 22:15

Fi hefyd! Dwi'n siarad Cymraeg yn gweddol, ond dwi'n dim yn siŵr ddigon 😔

TrufflyPig · 23/07/2021 22:06

Diolch am ddechrau hyn OP

I am English but I live in a traditionally Welsh speaking area and my husband is a fluent speaker. I have been to formal lessons but now I learn informally (mostly as my DH speaks to the kids in Welsh).

Anyone else at the point where they can understand quite a lot but aren't confident when it comes to speaking? I know I need to just go for it but I'm worried about making a fool of myself.

DadsTrilby · 23/07/2021 08:53

Bore da! Dw I’n dysgu gyda DuoLingo hefyd. I need to teach my phone not to autocorrect Welsh!

SulisMinerva · 22/07/2021 18:58

Prynhawn da! Dw i’n dysgu cymraeg ar hyn o bryd.

GlutenFreeGingerCake · 22/07/2021 11:13

Bore da! Dw i'n dysgu gyda duolingo hyfed. I first learnt some Welsh at school as a child we were living in a Welsh speaking area and it was a Welsh school so I learned quite a lot before we ended up moving back to England, and I have always tried to keep it up but there are a lot of good resources now so hopefully I can improve.

thevassal · 22/07/2021 11:05

bore da pawb!
Dw i'n dysgu gyda duolingo hefyd - dw i'n hoffi pannas owen!
Dw i'n wedi trio 'say something in welsh' pan es i am dro yn lockdown - but I looked a bit mad wandering around repeating welsh sentences to myself Grin
Hoping that my work will be up for sorting some welsh lessons.

orangejuicer · 22/07/2021 07:56

Dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg ar-lein a gyda Duolingo.

Dw i'n dod o Gaerdydd yn wreiddiol ond it wasnt compulsory after year 9 and I didn't have much reason to use it. Learning for work now but it's a bit of a slog.

OP posts:
AlohaMolly · 22/07/2021 07:27

Bore da pawb!

Nes i siarad Cymraeg ond dwi wedi anghofio llawer o fo wedyn giving birth…

I used to speak Welsh but I forgot lots of it after giving birth…

I’m a Welsh learner, moved to wales at 18 and learnt it so I could teach on Anglesey. Then I quit teaching to have DC and DP doesn’t have Welsh at all so I stopped using it!


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chocolateisnecessary · 22/07/2021 07:21

Bore da! Gwych y bore 'ma! Newydd gwneud fy Duolingo!

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