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Divorce through Bury St Edmunds

78 replies

Smiler06 · 20/06/2018 07:22


I was wondering if anybody else is currently using this divorce court and can give me an idea of timings please as they are very vague....

The petition was accepted and paid for beginning of May

The respondent signed her bit and returned end of May but they are still saying it is not registered in the system and i should give them another 3 weeks before calling back...?

I also asked how long a DIY divorce takes (no children or financial affairs and have been separated over 5 years) and they were very vague quoting anywhere from 6 months to a year!!?

Anybody got first hand experience please?

OP posts:
SureTry · 12/03/2019 19:34

West Midlands are dealing with my divorce. My decree nisi is waiting to go before the Judge, last time I called I was told they are 1 month and 1 week behind.

Goobergrapejelly · 12/03/2019 14:28

Oh wow, thanks for the update. My partner applied for his absolute today. Fingers crossed it's issued in the next couple of weeks.

Fenellapitstop · 15/02/2019 12:41

Just in case anyone is wondering like I was, the absolute was processed on the day of receipt!

Fenellapitstop · 13/02/2019 16:22

I have finally received word the consent order is authorised and sent back the application for the absolute. Any idea on turn around for it now? Grin

Enigmam · 06/02/2019 17:34

I'm at West Midlands unfortunately uncomplicated 5 years separated and no financial orders.

Applied 1st Oct 18
Application sent out 3rd Nov 18
Respondent replied 8th Nov
Acknowledgement of service 9th Jan 19
Applied for dn 18th Jan 19

And now I have the long wait. West Midlands don't even have an up to date automatic email response. The one I received was dated 30th August.

Goobergrapejelly · 18/01/2019 09:31

Ah ok, so at least once the 6weeks since the nisi has passed, hopefully the absolute will be quick

Fenellapitstop · 18/01/2019 09:24

I'm currently on week 6 of waiting for the consent order to be signed off through bury st Edmunds. Anyone know how long they're taking at the minute?

MintyCedric · 18/01/2019 09:13

Mine took 10 months Dec 16 - Oct 17, including having to get a financial Consent Order sorted which we discussed between us and got drawn up by my solicitor.

The final stage is very quick though, once the CO was signed off (which took a while) I returned the application for absolute and had it in a couple of days.

Itsnotme123 · 18/01/2019 09:06

Goo berg, my nisi date is set for 6th feb. That’s 3.5 months since application. I believe you can’t apply for the Absolute until 6 weeks and one day after the nisi date. It takes far too long.

ceefos · 14/01/2019 14:18

West Midlands are still processing absolute applications within a day of receipt I believe.

Goobergrapejelly · 14/01/2019 13:24

Gosh, it's crazy it's taking so long. My partner's nisi took 5 1/2 months with Bury St Edmund's. Does anyone know how long it's taking for the absolute to be granted once it's been applied for?

ceefos · 14/01/2019 13:00

Got my nisi date through today! It has been set as 19th Feb. So the nisi date will be about 3.5 months after I applied for it, believe it or not!

Flower64 · 08/01/2019 23:31

I’m using west mids too - applies for Decree Nisi 15/11/18 and was told today it’s still waiting checks then will be sent to a legal advisor to decide if I can have my nisi then a date will be given for the decree but they can’t give a timeline as they have a national shortage of legal advisors.

Goobergrapejelly · 08/01/2019 21:36

My partner applied for nisi at the beginning of August. End of September we found out Bury St Edmund's lost the paperwork. So we sent it off again. We finally heard that the nisi will be granted at the end of the month. It's ridiculous. 6 months to get the nisi. We hope the absolut doesn't take that long.

ceefos · 13/12/2018 14:50

In case this helps anyone, I have been going through West Midlands Divorce Unit (not by choice, I applied online and my case was frustratingly allocated there) and they are incredibly backlogged too.

Ours is a straightforward divorce - no finances or children involved and we've been separated for over 5 years.

Our timeline so far has been:

Sep 5 - Application sent online.

Sep 25 - Paperwork sent to husband.

Sep 26 - Husband sent paperwork back.

November 6th - Acknowledgement of service confirmed, and application for Decree Nisi sent off immediately.

December 11th - Called for an update and informed that they'd just got to the point of processing DN applications received on 6th November, so should be sent over to the judge this week.

They said it would then be up to 6 weeks before the judge looks at it to give his decision, and for a date to be set which again could be several weeks away.

I am planning to marry my new fiancé on 25th June next year (in New York, already booked!) so these backlogs are making everything very fraught... I wish I'd known about the online backlogs in advance, and then I could have applied by paper to my nearest unit who are much quicker (a colleague's partner has just had his decree nisi date issued having only applied for the divorce in October!)

Smiler06 · 13/12/2018 08:01

So - final update hopefully.... decree absolute was applied for on Monday!!! Not sure how long they take to actually do that bit but we are nearly there...

Total timescale for divorce with no hold ups or arguments - may - dec 7 months....

OP posts:
Itsnotme123 · 09/11/2018 06:18

We have a simple, amicable no DC involved divorce going on in Bury, and the petition was June. Just received the consent order to sign.

marads · 03/11/2018 09:50

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whysolong · 28/10/2018 11:54

update, my dn was 15th September 18th october I sent form d36 for the decree absolute
returned back 27th Saturday dated on 19th ,yes they deal with it on the day but slow on getting them out, hope this helps anyone.

FishesThatFly · 06/10/2018 05:15


Court Order was accepted!!

FishesThatFly · 19/09/2018 23:20

Update: my solicitor emailed me today to say they'd contacted the Court and the order went before the Judge on the 23rd August.

She then said the Judge has 4 months to process that. I can't quite believe thatbl submitted my order on the 29th June but might not hear the decision until December.

Turquoise42 · 15/09/2018 21:03

Hi Smiler06
I just wanted to say much to my surprise I received my certificate of entitlement to a decree today with the pronouncement date being 12th October.
It had been sent to the judge at BSE on the 15th August and issued on the 17th August so a lot quicker than expected.
Hope you've got yours too.


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whysolong · 15/09/2018 17:32

Even though they say deal with absolutes on the day , we will se how long they take to actually send it.

Fenellapitstop · 15/09/2018 17:13

I got my nisi through on the 10th. I can apply for the absolute on the 23rd October

whysolong · 07/09/2018 20:28

received letter on 10 th August stating dn set 5th September
7th September that dn pronounced along with dD36 form to send back after the 6weeks 1 day I did not think it would have taken this long to get this far

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