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Next of kin?

2 replies

faffalotty · 06/09/2016 12:43

When you've separated who counts as your next of kin? Parent?

Also, am I right in thinking that until I'm officially divorced, if I die (I dont have a will) everything will go to my husband?

OP posts:
Lonecatwithkitten · 07/09/2016 14:19

Faf the very first thing I did when we separated was get a new will specifically excluding ExH. Mumblechum ( advertises on MN) did it for me at a very reasonable rate.

mrsbrightside3 · 06/09/2016 15:25

I still used my exh as my next of kin until i re-married! so all though our separation and post divorce. I do not live near my wider family and we are amicable as we have dc together.

And yes, until you are legally divorced your ex is your next of kin automatically so anything you have will go to him.

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