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Frameless London

2 replies

bowzen · 07/08/2023 19:53

Has anyone ever been to Frameless in London?
Would you recommend it with a 4 year old?
Or is it one of those over priced attractions worth it!? I heard the bbc experience wasn't very good for money!

OP posts:
corlan · 07/08/2023 20:09

I've been and there were quite a few young children there. The kids were having a great time - they could actually change the projection by running across the floor in one of the rooms. I would definitely recommend it for your 4 year old
I'm not sure if it's worth £25 to see it but then I'm a tight git!

bowzen · 07/08/2023 20:17

Ah thank you, thats really helpful!
I know, i feel like everything is so expensive and cant really pass my little one off as under 3 anymore!
Will look to see if there any offers or vouchers about...

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