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Mog the forgetful cat in theatres

4 replies

Lemieux3 · 10/06/2023 20:11

For any child into the Mog books I would highly recommend this. I took my 3 year old dd today and she absolutely loved it. They manage to recreate the book so well!

OP posts:
Potatomashed · 10/06/2023 20:18

I would love to go to this, I thought it advertised online, but sadly they aren’t coming to my area. We recently saw the Tiger who came to tea which was wonderful.

Lemieux3 · 11/06/2023 07:59

Ah, my dd would have loved that too! I only became aware of this one because Facebook has started recommending these things to me. I think it's great that there are age appropriate shows for little ones.

OP posts:
Epli · 01/08/2023 08:59

Can a child watch it without knowing the book? What about other plays such us Caterpillar, Tiger etc.? Will the child enjoy them more if they already know the book?

Lemieux7 · 01/08/2023 09:42

Yeah I don't think the child needs to have read the books, but if they love the books it just enhances the enjoyment.

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