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If you could swap lives magically with one person be them celebrity or unknown, who would it be and why?

30 replies

summerfinn · 07/05/2023 13:17

Mine would be Kate Middleton , she's stunning, articulate, intelligent and is well loved . She has married into money and fame. Has a beautiful family and her parents seem wonderful too. All in all she has had a pretty easy charmed and lucky life.

OP posts:
DustyLee123 · 07/05/2023 13:23

I wouldn’t want to be her for anything, especially if she has to watch her DH go off to ‘entertain’ another lady.

redlollies · 07/05/2023 13:26

Amal Clooney. Smart, beautiful and has George!

GoldenFarfalle · 07/05/2023 13:28

Not Kate Middleton, her husband has an affair and she still has to smile on pictures and hold his hand like if they are still in love and together.

I would love to be Angelina Jolie, she is beautiful, smart and she has done lot of charity work. She has beautiful children too.

WowIlikereallyhateyou · 07/05/2023 13:37

redlollies · 07/05/2023 13:26

Amal Clooney. Smart, beautiful and has George!

Nah, shes a beard.

Bananah · 07/05/2023 13:39

The girlfriend of an acquaintance. I’d give anything to spend an hour alone with him and have him find me attractive!

abyssofwoah · 07/05/2023 13:39

Emily Blunt. Smart, successful, beautiful and married to John Krasinki. I can’t imagine much better. And Stanley Tucci’s her BIL, the family dinners would be way more interesting than mine!

Purplecatshopaholic · 07/05/2023 13:43

Defo not Kate - being married to Wills ‘the reality’, compared to the press fairy tale? Ooft, no thanks. I’d take Jennifer Anniston maybe - gorgeous, loaded, no kids to worry about, and (as far as I know, and I don’t pay attention) single so no pain-in-the-ass man to deal with!

cisisaslur · 07/05/2023 13:46

Kate Moss. She must have had a blast

summerfinn · 07/05/2023 14:05

DustyLee123 · 07/05/2023 13:23

I wouldn’t want to be her for anything, especially if she has to watch her DH go off to ‘entertain’ another lady.

I highly doubt that's true

OP posts:
Arketaddictmum · 07/05/2023 14:13

Gosh no way Kate Middleton - her entire life is just planned out for her, it actually seems really dull.

The only one I can think of is Mila Kunis - she gave up fame to have kids with Ashton Kutcher and seems to live a lovely life in LA and still be the best dressed at the Oscar's this year.

littleripper · 07/05/2023 14:18

Alexandra Grant. I've been wanting to fuck Keanu since I was too young to know what it meant. This would be my chance 😂

TheFireflies · 07/05/2023 14:21

abyssofwoah · 07/05/2023 13:39

Emily Blunt. Smart, successful, beautiful and married to John Krasinki. I can’t imagine much better. And Stanley Tucci’s her BIL, the family dinners would be way more interesting than mine!

I know her aunt, she confirms the family get togethers are interesting 😊

JamSandle · 07/05/2023 14:23

Probably someone like Lucy Lawless. Just a chilled bold approach to life.

dudsville · 07/05/2023 14:32

i don't really fangirl anyone, but I do adore the Obamas so I'd trade with Michelle, though I would feel bad for her that she gets my life - I want her family!

DustyLee123 · 07/05/2023 15:16

summerfinn · 07/05/2023 14:05

I highly doubt that's true

Well, his father did and grandfather allegedly did.

WarmButteryCrumpets · 07/05/2023 15:24

Blake lively. Gorgeous, lovely kids, married to Ryan Reynolds. They seem to genuinely have fun together.

summerfinn · 07/05/2023 15:29

WarmButteryCrumpets · 07/05/2023 15:24

Blake lively. Gorgeous, lovely kids, married to Ryan Reynolds. They seem to genuinely have fun together.

She is gorgeous. I definitely fancy her 😂

OP posts:
FromAustin · 07/05/2023 15:46

Someone like Jane Goodall. She’s had an interesting life and has done a lot for protecting animals and the environment.

Being more shallow, Jon Bon Jovis wife, especially in the 90s. 😍🤣

Definitely not a Royal. Such a pointless existence which no real control over your own life.

FromAustin · 07/05/2023 15:48

I never knew this ‘Culture Vultures’ section existed on mumsnet til this thread. 😅

Theelephantinthecastle · 07/05/2023 15:48

Sarah Michelle Gellar - had a fab career very young, can pick and choose what she does now. Happily married. Beautiful. Intelligent. Lovely kids. Seems to have some long standing close friends too

CaptainSeven · 07/05/2023 19:01

Patrick Stewart's wife or Henry Cavill's next girlfriend.

I've wanted to fuck Patrick Stewart since I was too young to know what that meant! He's 37 years older than me...but his wife is younger than me!

Fairislefandango · 07/05/2023 19:09

Somebody who is wealthy who isn't at all famous! I honestly don't understand the attraction of being famous. Being well-loved often doesn't last, and everything you do, say, wear etc is constantly scrutinised, especially if you're someone like Kate Middleton. I would hate to be her!


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DuesToTheDirt · 07/05/2023 19:25

I've said this before on a similar thread - Getrude Bell (except she's dead of course, I'm assuming we can choose dead people).

summerfinn · 07/05/2023 19:42

DuesToTheDirt · 07/05/2023 19:25

I've said this before on a similar thread - Getrude Bell (except she's dead of course, I'm assuming we can choose dead people).

Yes dead people too. 😂

OP posts:
JaneJeffer · 07/05/2023 22:24


If you could swap lives magically with one person be them celebrity or unknown, who would it be and why?
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