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Extra person in a theatre box

12 replies

pisspants · 29/07/2022 08:17

Hello, just wondering if anyone knows if this is possible. Me and 2 teen DC are looking to go to see a show in the Autumn, budget is tight so please don't judge! There are some cheap box tickets but there are only 2 seats in there (the box only has 2 seats). If I bought a 3rd ticket in a seat nearby, do you think an usher would allow the 3rd person to go in the box with the other 2 for the show?

OP posts:
Greenandcabbagelooking · 29/07/2022 08:20

I would say no. Firstly, where is the extra person going to sit if there are only two chairs? There might not be room for an extra chair, even if one could be provided.

pisspants · 29/07/2022 08:23

from the seat reviews they are meant to be quite spacious but I was thinking we could all either squish together or take it in turns for one person to stand.

OP posts:
unfortunateevents · 29/09/2022 20:42

If there are only two seats in there I doubt it is spacious! If there was extra space the theatre would be putting seats in there and it would be a box for 4 or 6. I don't think either squishing together on two seats or having one person stand will work.

SheWoreYellow · 29/09/2022 20:46

They won’t let you past the doors with no ticket.

SouthOfFrance · 29/09/2022 21:01

Call the theatre and ask, they can only say no?

MagnaQuestion · 29/09/2022 21:02

No they won't let you through the doors in the first place without a ticket.

Beautifulvue · 29/09/2022 21:11

Call the theatre. If they can help they will but there are health and safety issues potentially remember

Pinkflipflop85 · 29/09/2022 21:15

You will not be allowed to do this.

Fuuuuuckit · 29/09/2022 21:31

Call the theatre op. I've been to see shows in my nearest city that showed boxes only seated two. When we arrived there were 4 seats, nobody joined us.

Worth a phonecall.

Floralnomad · 29/09/2022 21:33

I’d just go for it and see what happens , it’s not the end of the world if one of you had to sit on your own .

pimlicoanna · 29/09/2022 21:39

They won't let you.

lannistunut · 29/09/2022 21:39


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