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Is this an appropriate play for a 14 year old?

5 replies

fartmeistergeneral · 23/08/2013 18:26

The betrayal by Pinter? Always looking for plays to take ds to, he's into drama at school but appropriate plays are few and far between! Would it bore the socks off him?

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Unexpected · 22/09/2013 23:52

I wouldn't - not because I think it would be particularly shocking but I just don't think the subject matter would be of any interest or hold his attention and, at 14, I don't think he could empathise with any of the themes of the play.

gubbinsy · 15/09/2013 17:28

Might be too late but I'd say no. It's basically about a marriage breakdown where the wife has an affair for years with husbands best friend. Looks at relationships between men and women and told backwards so starts 2 years after affair ends and ends when it starts. Great play but probably not one for a 14 year old (may well find it boring!)

Somethingyesterday · 24/08/2013 19:18

I'm afraid I've neither read nor seen this particular Pinter. From what I've read it might not be thrilling for a boy - though The Caretaker is gripping.

Why not get hold of the play script from Amazon and have a look?

fartmeistergeneral · 24/08/2013 18:36


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fartmeistergeneral · 23/08/2013 19:17


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