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Culture vultures

best surrealist painter

8 replies

germyrabbit · 27/09/2012 21:29

lol culture vultures is a bit of a forgotten topic isn't it

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Betelguese · 31/10/2012 19:55

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Shakey1500 · 28/09/2012 12:46

Yes, I knew he was a pointillist, just wasn't sure if that came under the same umbrella as surrealism or whether pointillism was a separate movement, as it were Grin

I only discovered him really through my obsession love of Sondheim musicals. He wrote one called "Sunday In The Park With George" which was based on Georges Seurat's painting "A Sunday Afternoon On The Island Of La Grand Jatté"

The woman featured in the foreground of the painting was characterised as his muse, called "Dot". There are some really fantastic, poignant songs expressing his obsession with pointillism and the depths of engrossement he experiences whilst trying to complete the painting. Sadly, at the expense of his relationship with Dot. Brilliant musical :)

quoteunquote · 27/09/2012 22:57

that's the point, once something can be categorised then the next generation have to break out and form something new.

influence followed by attempted improvement, the successful that achieve are followed, which attracts a label, which can neatly be categorised

ninah · 27/09/2012 22:49

if you like your art in neat categories ...

ninah · 27/09/2012 22:48

magritte for me
seurat is a pointillist

quoteunquote · 27/09/2012 22:47

well the surrealists thought him cool.

Shakey1500 · 27/09/2012 22:31

Is Seurat considered a surrealist? Apologies for ignorance Grin

quoteunquote · 27/09/2012 22:29

I've got a bit of a soft spot for Miro.

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