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London shows for teens who've outgrown pantos

23 replies

freshlyground · 19/12/2011 12:58

Are there any shows In London you can recommend for a couple of 14 year olds? Last week we went to see Pippin at the Menier Chocolate Factory in Southwark. They loved it so much they want to see more. The only problem is that one of the 14 year olds is a boy and a bit musical-phobic. The best thing about Pippin (written by the guy who wrote Wicked) is that although it's a musical it's played out like a video game, like Tron, so fantastic for teenagers.

OP posts:
fortyplus · 11/03/2012 01:34

Warhorse or Matilda - seen both with my two boys 16 and 18 and they loved them. I did worry Matilda would be too young for them but they thoroughly enjoyed it - just the right mix of hilarity and pathos.

bananacrepe · 11/03/2012 01:20

We Will Rock You. Usually I'm not a fan of musicals that don't have original music, but this is fab. There was a school trip there (kids about 13-15yrs old) and they seemed to love it.

startail · 09/03/2012 22:54

I'm not sure swallows and amazons has enough scenery etc. to warrant London prices.

Saw it at our local theatre, much enjoyed by a group of girls 8-14 and their parents and grand parents.

2fedup · 13/02/2012 17:39

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inkyfingers · 13/02/2012 17:37

We went to woman in black at weekend and teens enjoyed it. A few screamy types tho.

inkyfingers · 13/02/2012 17:36

Ours liked Les Mis. Bit traditional and audience will be older, but great story, music and visuals.

SeaweedNK · 07/02/2012 21:10

Matilda is amazing and should be cool enough for teens given the Tim Minchin connection.

Legally Blonde is a fun show too and there are good ticket offers as it is closing in April. I took my DD last Sat and paid £15 each for top price dress circle tickets.

The 39 Steps is also a funny, slightly different show.

MandyT68 · 07/02/2012 20:28

Probably too late but The Woman In Black but don't go in term time as very scarey and full of schoolgirls screaming.Also soon to be a film starring Daniel Radcliffe.

JayVazzle · 09/01/2012 21:58

DD loved wicked also cirque du Soliel is on at the Albert Hall at the moment she went Saturday and really enjoyed it. She is 13.

startail · 31/12/2011 01:38

Glad Swallows and Amazons is good. We're going to see it when it's on tour.
I'd love to see Matilda, but it's £££

mckenzie · 22/12/2011 20:58

Potted Panto. DH and I went last year with a 5yr old and 9 yr old - I'm not sure who enjoyed it most. It's a mickey take of panto I suppose - very very funny. I hope it's perfect for the age group you are talking about as we are going again this year and taking my older nephews and godson too!

CaroleService · 22/12/2011 14:46

Shrek is a hoot

SingingSands · 22/12/2011 14:28

Another vote for Warhorse! Amazing!

freshlyground · 22/12/2011 14:26

Sure thing.

OP posts:
Saturdaynightsprout · 22/12/2011 10:21

Please pm me if you go to FM Daughter - a review would be good Xmas Grin

freshlyground · 22/12/2011 10:12

Thanks for all the suggestions. They all sound great. Firework Maker's Daughter is on at Bloomsbury Theatre in the new year. Saw Swallows & Amazons the other night - I loved it, but then I always loved The Divine Comedy's music.
Some lovely friends came up from brighton and took the kids to Pippin for the second time. S&A is quite gentle, much more my thing, but they love the craziness of Pippin. Teenage brains seem to be wired for repetition. They take fandom very seriously.

OP posts:
Saturdaynightsprout · 21/12/2011 20:51

I've read Firework Maker's daughter by Philip Pullman and it's a great story - that's on somewhere. Anyone seen it?

fivegomadindorset · 21/12/2011 20:50

War Horse or The Mousetrap.

mysteryfairy · 21/12/2011 20:48

My two DSs age 16 and 15 really enjoyed warhorse. One of them even cried (but I'm not supposed to ever mention that!)

Earlybird · 19/12/2011 13:46

Thought this sounded interesting, but don't know anyone who has seen it:

A new musical play based on Arthur Ransome?s classic children?s tale of family adventures in the Lake District has opened in London. Tony award winner Tom Morris (War Horse) directs, with music and script by Neil Hannon and Helen Edmunson. The Observer calls it: ?a triumph - a thing of beauty?. Vaudeville Theatre until 14 January.

Bonsoir · 19/12/2011 13:40

We are going to see Billy Elliot with the DSSs (14 and 16) this week. However, DD (7) and I are going to see Matilda on our own!

Pippin sounds good - I'll check it out!

CointreauVersial · 19/12/2011 13:24

Matilda is supposed to be fantastic, for adults too.


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ImpYCelynAndTheIvy · 19/12/2011 13:23

I think Avenue Q is pretty hilarious - but a leetle bit risqué

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