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Hoping there's a childrens book in me...

8 replies

latenightmum · 03/05/2010 01:51

I've joined an evening class and my head is swimming with childrens book ideas. Now I just need to crack on with writing. I started blogging today but am just a lonely newbie out there Anyone in the same boat and want to join me on my journey?

OP posts:
ninah · 03/10/2010 11:02

gp that's really encouraging. I have only ever had ONE nice letter!
if you don't mind, which cornerstones service did you use? I am thinking of turning to them if the few friends I have who are both highly literate AND brutally frank don't come up with anything for me.

belledechocolatefluffybunny · 02/10/2010 18:37

Hi, can I join you if you are still around? Smile

grumpypants · 30/05/2010 18:07

I've got as far as writing the book and sending it to 14 agents - I had one request to read the whole thing, and one give some positive feedback, and 12 rejections. I used cornerstones for critical feedback, which was brillant, but didn't pick up some of the other points. Now I am stuck, not knowing if I can rewrite - just to let you know you are not alone!

TheBride · 26/05/2010 06:51

Strandedatsea - if you are overseas and looking for an online course, then I highly recommend the Novels II class run by the Gotham Writers Institute.

The format of the class is mutual critique, so you will have the opportunity to showcase the first 15,000 words and get comments from other participants and the teacher. There are also online lectures each week on key aspects of novel writing.

I have done online classes through Gotham taught by both Katherine Taylor and Russell Rowland and both were excellent in terms of their advice.

The class will mainly comprise US participants so you do get the occasional "lost in translation" moment. However, this doesnt detract from the overall excellent quality of the classes.

Also- a useful, light hearted book for you- "Thanks, but this isn't for us". Its written by an editor and goes through the errors that many first timers make.

strandedatsea · 19/05/2010 01:52

Not a children's book but I am half way through writing a novel. Have no idea if it's any good or not and no idea what I will do when it is "finished" (if it ever is) but so pleased I have finally got round to this as it is something I have always wanted to do.

I am interested in the course you are doing, especially that you have an agent. I am currently overseas but plan to return to the UK end of this year so I wonder if there is something similar near us.

latenightmum · 19/05/2010 01:39

Hi Gingerbaby, yes I am still here!

I was starting to think I am the only Mum on Mumsnet trying to write a children's book!

I thought you'd need to team up with an illustrator and offer the package to agents. According to my course tutor agents don't like that and often prefer to get in their own illustrators. A lot of the competitions also like books to win on the strength of their words alone.

I've been scouring the Children's Writers and Artists Yearbook which is great in answering lots of similar questions to these.

My biggest challenge is trying to find the time. We have an agent coming to our course in 3 weeks time and I'd love to have something to show her then...

OP posts:
gingerbaby · 15/05/2010 13:20

Are you still around?

I really want to start writing children's books, have the characters sorted and most of the stories, it's just getting it down. Also (this is a long way off) what would you do about illustrations?

Hope you're still here!

latenightmum · 05/05/2010 01:13

I guess I'm in a boat for one then [rowing quietly off]

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