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The first agent I submitted to

64 replies

LongGoneBeforeDaylight · 27/08/2013 23:32

Has requested the full manuscript. It's an enormous agency too. Sent it last week. Hand holding please while I wait?

OP posts:
BigPawsBrown · 15/11/2013 19:06

Thank you so much! When you put it like that you are right... Just feels like a mountain to climb at the moment, must just keep at it!

She said I write a lot like David Nicholls, I nearly died Grin

TunipTheUnconquerable · 15/11/2013 15:12

Fantastic Grin

It sounds like this whole process has been hugely useful in your development as a writer and when you come to sub the next one you'll be streets ahead of where you were this time - as well as this agent you'll have all the ones who said nice things about your book to target, you know what aspects of your writing to work on, you've got experience of the submissions process and will know how to emotionally pace yourself so it's not so draining, and above all you can write from a place of much greater confidence because you've had an actual agent who loves your writing so there is NO QUESTION about whether you can write Smile

Best of luck with the next book & keep us posted!

BigPawsBrown · 15/11/2013 00:45

Yes I've been doing a lot of thinking. My idea for a second novel has a better concept and I have spent two hours tonight with my dad, who is very imaginative, coming up with different plot threads. Really pleased with it and there is so much more going on than in my first book. I want to write this one and send it to her. She did say she would be very excited to receive a book from me in the future Smile

TunipTheUnconquerable · 13/11/2013 09:10

Oh wow, it sounds like you are almost there! If an agent says nice things about your writing and is prepared to put the time in to the extent of asking you for a meeting, you have to take that seriously. It never happens to 99% of aspiring writers!
So, what are your plans for working on plot? I learnt a lot from 'Plot and structure' by James Scott Bell, and recently, from 'The Anatomy of Story' by John Truby.

ninah · 13/11/2013 07:15

Excellent! did she give you pointers to revise to? I've had this a lot lately, rewrote for one agent and it still not right, now another one has said would be interested in rewrite but I can't face it just yet. Have some reader feedback coming soon, hopefully that'll help!
Did you have lunch? I've always wanted to say 'lunch with my agent'!

BigPawsBrown · 13/11/2013 00:45

It was good, but I don't have an agent out of it. She was so, so nice about my writing and I need to work on plot. She would like to see a revision or the next thing I write...

BigPawsBrown · 12/11/2013 12:14

Thank you! Very nervous!!

TunipTheUnconquerable · 12/11/2013 09:02

Keeping fingers crossed for you today, BigPaws.

GrendelsMum · 31/10/2013 11:50

Very sensible - fingers crossed...

TunipTheUnconquerable · 31/10/2013 11:47

Good luck with all of them.
I don't want to go public with where I am with mine, but will update when I have definite news.

GrendelsMum · 31/10/2013 10:55

Doesn't she know we're waiting!

I've gone ahead and spent the morning submitting to a few more agents, so it's now with 5 people.

TunipTheUnconquerable · 30/10/2013 20:22

Oh, that's a bit frustrating.

BigPawsBrown · 30/10/2013 19:30

She's postponed the meeting to nov 12th!! She had good reasons though...

TunipTheUnconquerable · 30/10/2013 18:25

I think normal practice these days is to do it in batches of half a dozen or so. I have only seen one this time round that expects exclusive submissions.

GrendelsMum · 30/10/2013 18:02

Mmm - not sure. Might start identifying a key list of people to target via the list you recommended.

I've submitted to one other so far. Do you think I should go for more at the same time?

TunipTheUnconquerable · 30/10/2013 17:13

Best of luck, BigPaws. I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes.

GrendelsMum, are you submitting any more?

GrendelsMum · 30/10/2013 17:10

Best of luck for tomorrow :)
The agent has requested a full, so that's a green stripe in the spreadsheet!

BigPawsBrown · 28/10/2013 19:08

I have a spreadsheet too. It's great as you know when to chase and who you've already subbed to. I colour them red for rejections and green for requests for fulls Smile

GrendelsMum · 28/10/2013 18:28

Looking forward to hearing what happens at the meeting, Big Paws.

I've now submitted mine to an agent, so we'll see what happens.

I'm going to set up a spreadsheet to track submissions and rejections, so I hope that's not unduly negative.

BigPawsBrown · 27/10/2013 22:47

Thanks, that article is really useful. I will let you know how it goes! She did say, "I'm not sure this book is big enough to get you your first publishing deal - do you have any other ideas?" So sounds more like that than rewriting my current book.

TunipTheUnconquerable · 27/10/2013 21:11

This blogpost might be helpful.

It's really hard to second guess. Maybe she will have ideas on how to make it bigger. Maybe she is hoping you have another one up your sleeve to show her. It will be a really useful meeting for you, whatever happens. (And if she did offer you representation there and then obviously that would be fantastic, but it's not the only good possible outcome.)

Good luck x

BigPawsBrown · 26/10/2013 23:58

I will. It's on Thursday Grin


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ninah · 26/10/2013 23:51

big enough
well that's helpful! Hmm
Who knows what agents are after?! Not even God. I do think a meeting is a very good sign though. Please update!

BigPawsBrown · 26/10/2013 23:17

She has however said that she doesn't think my novel is 'big enough' for a debut but wants to discuss this and any other projects I have. Any idea whether this is likely to be a casual chat and an invitation for me to send her what I write next or an actual offer? I thought a meeting was generally a good sign but she doesn't seem to think my book will make it!

ninah · 24/10/2013 20:30

exactly! wonderful news

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