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No more maintenance from ex, budgeting help please

54 replies

Namechangedebthelp · 18/08/2018 14:05

I seperated from my abusive ex around 2 years ago and he left me with quite large amounts of debt. I've been gradually paying off the debt and there is around £8000 left but all on interest free credit card at the moment.

I work full time and have 1DC. Up till now ex has paid maintenance but has recently lost his job. Due to the circumstances he is very unlikely to get another job and could go to prison.

I've been trying to figure out a new budget but it's looking very tight. Have listed my outgoings below, if anyone has any suggestions of places I can make savings it would be greatly appreciated.

Total monthly income including child benefit =2003

Rent 825
Council tax 105
Childcare 190
Broadband and phone line 40
Netflix 5
Mobile 10
Home insurance 15
Car loan 100
Car insurance 89
Gas/elec 49
Water 30
Fuel 175
Food around 40 a week
Was paying 300 a month off Credit card and will now reduce to 170.

This leaves me £40 a month and thats with no extras for school uniform, trips, birthday or things going wrong.

Am looking for a better broadband deal but other than that not really sure. Help please!

OP posts:
Earthmoon · 25/08/2018 10:19

Are you currently with BT? If you call their retention team and threaten to leave they may give you a better price. You have 14 days cooling off period from the time you change broadband provider, which gives you time to check for better deals and for BT to offer you a better deal. Which worked well for me.

AdoraBell · 01/09/2018 09:34

Well done reducing the phone/internet.

I would definitely look into the fraudulent car purchase.

FishesThatFly · 29/11/2018 13:32

@Namechangedebthelp - how are things?

Samill · 30/11/2018 23:41

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