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Car loan vs 0% credit card

3 replies

Toffeelatteplease · 28/04/2016 16:24

I currently have a sizable car loan/hire purchase agreement 8%. I have been offered a 0%credit card for nearly the whole amount of the car loan (but not quite). I won't be able to pay off the credit card within the agreed period so I would then hop to get another 0%credit agreement. Do I take the credit card and pay off as much of the car loan as I can, do I keep things as they are?

It's making my brain ache

OP posts:
Charlesroi · 29/04/2016 10:59

Won't you get a rebate on the car loan interest? I think they are usually front-loaded.
There's a slight gamble you won't be able to get another interest-free card but you'll still save a lot of money.

SaveSomeSpendSome · 28/04/2016 20:12

Take the 0% credit card and once the interest goes on it then transfer the balance to another 0% one until the balance is paid off

Fluffycloudland77 · 28/04/2016 20:11

I'd take the 0% and pay off as much as possible before it expires.

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