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On a tight budget, who's your energy supplier?

28 replies

ifonly4 · 29/06/2015 14:53

To those on a right budget, who's your energy supplier, and can you recommend them? We used to be with Southern Electric, but went with EDF last year and our bills are £20 pm less. You can set up an online account, post regular readings (they give you an update within 48 hours so you get no surprises), they reduced our dd after seven months and have just given us a refund of £97 which was on the account at the end of the year. So I do recommend them.

Having said the above, money is going to be right over the next couple of years and look to save any money we can, hence the reason for my question.

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HL18 · 10/05/2018 12:52

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Lucky78945 · 31/10/2018 17:05

I've recently switched to Octopus energy as their price was very competitive - I would really recommend them - has been really smooth so far.

And I saved £50 off my bills with them because I signed up using this link which was a huge bonus!:

Becoli · 15/02/2021 11:56

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