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YNAB free to students

3 replies

banananugget · 30/11/2014 13:23

Just thought I would share my new discovery! I have been keeping an eye on You Need a Budget (YNAB) for a while, in the hope that it would go down in a sale. I discovered that if you are a student it is completely free!!! all you have to do is email [email protected] with a pic of your uni card and they will send you an activation code!

Thought this might help a couple of people! I'm not very excited to play around with my budget Smile !!!

OP posts:
banananugget · 30/11/2014 14:37

It's budgeting software. Tracks in comings and outgoings etc and you can set up all your own categories etc! The activation code lasts til the end of 2015 and then if you're s student just email them then and they will send a new code. So excited to have found this! Just trying to work out how to use it lol!

OP posts:
WhyYouGottaBeSoRude · 30/11/2014 13:29

Oooh! I had the 30 day free trial and loved it but couldnt justify paying for it. Now i'm a student! Happy days! Grin

Thanks op

BackforGood · 30/11/2014 13:27

What is it ?

I mean, always like a freebee, but a free...what ?

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