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NCT nearly new price guide?

10 replies

Mamahotfoot · 07/02/2011 22:58

Dear all,

I have just got a last minute place at the local NCT nearly new sale at the weekend. I have to price everything up and I have no idea really what to charge Confused Does anyone have a handy guide to prices that one should charge for items like clothing, toys, books, larger items including cot changer, baby bed, baby bouncer etc... I have heard that one should not charge more than a 1/3 of the retail price for something that is in really good nick, and less for something that has seen better days. Does that seem fair?

What would you pay for such items yourself at a sale?

Any response whatsoever would be great! :)

OP posts:
taytotayto · 17/02/2011 19:54

look on the recycle4children website they tell you how much to charge for stuff its a sale like the nct and i went to one last week. i boutht 3 new ish baby vests for 50p so bought loads of them but other people were selling stuff and asking for way too much. and to be honest alot of the stuff was tat i was so disappointed with alot of the stuff. would really like to find an nct sale near me to see if the stuff there is better.

Mamahotfoot · 08/02/2011 00:18

Thankyou everso much for your collective wisdom! I have a good sense now where to pitch my prices... Will let you know how it goes.

OP posts:
lindsell · 07/02/2011 23:33

I help organise our local one. Around a 1/3 of retail is about right for larger items, can help to write the rrp on there as some things cost a lot more than people might think. With clothes it's really not worth selling babygros/vests etc as there are always hundreds and tbh you can get them so cheap new that they don't really sell. Price clothes really cheap (eg 50p for tops, £1 for trousers/skirts) because there are always loads so you have lots of competition especially in the younger baby sizes. For the benefit of the helpers and speed at the tills if you must sellotape labels on please don't sellotape the lower part of the
label as that has to be torn off at the till. Oh and prices of books I would say much less than 1/3 retail - think more like charity shop prices, likewise for smaller toys, larger toys (ride ons etc) are usually popular and fewer of them so can price higher.

It may seem a lot that the Nct take 1/3 but the sales are actually quite costly to run what with hall hire costs etc, involve huge amounts of volunteer time and any profit is used for local branch activities so
does benefit everyone iyswim.

Hope you sell lots!

OgreTripletsAreSoCute · 07/02/2011 23:18

maybe concentrate on the bigger stuff? Then do clothes etc if you've still got time.

deepdarkwood · 07/02/2011 23:15

yy to hangers too

deepdarkwood · 07/02/2011 23:14

I'd look at ebay prices, and price below that (although not much!). Better to sell cheap than to have to pick it up again, imvho.
Agree that clothes need to be very cheap AND in good condition to sell and/or good brands.

Ito the no sticky labels, if you price with sticky labels, the NCT can't remove your price tag and add it onto the pile of price tags that then make up the money they pay you - so that bit IS worth the effort (I used to help out, and stuff with a sticky label we just didn't even put out)

OgreTripletsAreSoCute · 07/02/2011 23:14

I've sold masses at ours over the years, it is a bit of a faff, but you can make a fair amount of money in one hit. I Sellotape the labels to books, toys and equipment, use safety pins for clothes, blankets etc. Clothes sell much better on coat hangers.

Mamahotfoot · 07/02/2011 23:09

Im not a member of the NCT either but i am just desperate to get rid of some of the infernal tat that I have collected over the years! Im not too bothered by giving NCT a cut as I have benefited from their services despite not being a member. I could as well freecycle everything which I may do anyway if I have anything that doesn't sell. I thought I may as well try get something for it all. To be honest it may turn out to be a bit of a mare as you have to label everything with a label attached with string or a safety pin (not a sticky label). Im not sure when I am going to find time or ingenuity to attach labels with string to items that dont lend themselves to such! Hmm Hey ho....

OP posts:
OgreTripletsAreSoCute · 07/02/2011 23:09

Clothes need to be cheap, even good stuff, probably £1.50 max, maybe a bit more for coats etc.

Your branch should have guidelines which include pricing, maybe phone the person you got your place from?

As regards the NCT taking a third, yes it is a lot, but they do it to raise funds, and it is a big job organizing and running it, it generally subsidizes other local activities for parents and children which would not be possible otherwise

missalien · 07/02/2011 23:01

I have no idea sorry but it pisses me off that the nct take a third off too! I have lots of stuff to sell but dont want to lose a third. Not a member of nct though.

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