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This covid is a bastard

144 replies

smine1 · 18/07/2022 17:14

I hang my head in shame I was at the point of 'oh it's a cold' tested positive Wednesday due to a sore throat and BANG the bastard has knocked me off my feet , I have never felt so crap in all my life ... how long have others felt like crap?? My symptoms started with sore throat , then a headache from hell , dizzy , then a full on cold , my teeth even hurt, my body aches ...but no temp and no cough .. Tripled jabbed too .. it needs to go I only started my new job two weeks ago...

OP posts:
Petulathethird · 19/07/2022 14:35

Samarie123 · 19/07/2022 10:18

Without the jabs you'd probably be fine, like most of the unjabbed.

Without the jabs you might not be here to write about it.

Orangedaisy · 19/07/2022 14:32

Back to normal day 14, able to function from day 10 onwards, before day 10 a wiped out bit of a mess. Hope you feel better soon.

TinaWeymouthsBass · 19/07/2022 14:29

the only two unjabbed people I know both ended up in hospital with it, one 30 years old now has kidney damage and a fit 50 year old who has scars on her lungs.

Samarie123 · 19/07/2022 10:18

smine1 · 18/07/2022 19:07

It really has got its nasty head on hasn't it!! Do you find your ok for a couple of hours well not ok but feel a bit human and then bang it knocks u down again .. I wonder what it would have been like without the jabs ...

Without the jabs you'd probably be fine, like most of the unjabbed.

TinaWeymouthsBass · 19/07/2022 10:15

Day 9 here and still feel pretty awful, cold symptoms have pretty much gone but the exhaustion is like nothing I've ever had (I'm 52 and have had my fair share of viruses). Having managed to avoid it for 2 1/2 years I was pretty blaze about it but good god I'm going to be doing everything I can to avoid catching it again.

smine1 · 18/07/2022 20:38

Sending Flowers to all x

OP posts:
CallmeMrsPricklepants · 18/07/2022 20:21

I wonder if I've got it, sore throat, painful ears, low fever, achy.

Myusername2015 · 18/07/2022 20:20

Day 8 here and I feel worse than week 1!

Pieceofpurplesky · 18/07/2022 20:18

It took me at least two weeks to feel normal and I am still exhausted when I get in from work (4 weeks)

BobMortimersPocketMeat · 18/07/2022 20:03

It took me two full weeks but there is light at the end of the tunnel - aside from a stuffy nose and residual cough I am finally back to normal today. Have faith, it will get better.

MeenzAmRhoi · 18/07/2022 20:01

I'm on day 5. Blocked nose, blocked sinuses, blocked ears. The nausea is something else. My temperature hasn't gone up again at least and the headache I had for the first four days is now manageable...but I have never in my life experienced head pain like that before.

Doesn't help I'm pregnant and can't take much else other than paracetamol.

Hope we all feel better soon

Mybeautifulfriend22 · 18/07/2022 19:11

My worst was day 3: all the symptoms seemed to flood me urgh those Aches…and then peaked with a temp that night and I improved from there. Each day a random symptom re appeared for a short while. . Was left with a sinus headache/lack of smell day 5. Runny nose day 6. I’m pretty much normal since Saturday so day 8 bar a little bit of coughing but still positive ( test to go back to work) day 11.

JuneOsborne · 18/07/2022 19:10

I'm on day 8 and still feel shit. Like you, completely knocked me off my feet. I'm not completely bedridden like I was the first couple of days, but I have had to have a lie down every day, even when I've done nothing all day.

smine1 · 18/07/2022 19:07

It really has got its nasty head on hasn't it!! Do you find your ok for a couple of hours well not ok but feel a bit human and then bang it knocks u down again .. I wonder what it would have been like without the jabs ...

OP posts:
Horatioshelmet · 18/07/2022 18:43

4x jabbed, had Covid in March when I was 3 x jabbed and barely had a symptom. Had 4th jab end of June and it’s bloody knocked me out this time. I’m finally turning a corner today (day 8)

BrianBettyGrable · 18/07/2022 18:38

Also tested positive last Wednesday and feeling awful despite triple jabs. Sore throat and fever has got better but headache, body aches, sinus pain and fatigue is awful.
This afternoon however is the first day since Friday that I haven't napped, so hoping I'm slowly starting to feel better.
Get well soon, you're not alone.

RandomMess · 18/07/2022 17:58

The latest variant is actually making most adult unwell.

smine1 · 18/07/2022 17:39

It's mad how is so different for everyone, my hubby is on day two .. wishing U feeling well again vibes

OP posts:
dottyrobin · 18/07/2022 17:18

Has taken way over a week to feel normal. I'm on day 10 and still took today off work. My husband really suffered with body aches, his high temp was quite delayed but came with a vengeance.

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