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This covid is a bastard

144 replies

smine1 · 18/07/2022 17:14

I hang my head in shame I was at the point of 'oh it's a cold' tested positive Wednesday due to a sore throat and BANG the bastard has knocked me off my feet , I have never felt so crap in all my life ... how long have others felt like crap?? My symptoms started with sore throat , then a headache from hell , dizzy , then a full on cold , my teeth even hurt, my body aches ...but no temp and no cough .. Tripled jabbed too .. it needs to go I only started my new job two weeks ago...

OP posts:
TinaWeymouthsBass · 02/08/2022 08:10

so sorry you’re still so poorly, did you manage to get antivirals? My dh is CEV and got a course of paxlovid which made a massive difference, he did the best out of the three of us he was back to normal within two days of starting the treatment and testing negative by day 6!

Madhairday · 01/08/2022 22:44

I'm a month in and still barely able to stand, let alone walk. Still very foggy brained, exhausted and achy all over. It's maddening. I am CEV though but fully vaccinated.

rookiemere · 01/08/2022 21:59

I'm Day 19/20 and although I'm a lot better than I was, I'm still in short walks feeling too fatigued for the gym or parkrun. Sadly my appetite has returned so I'm not sure I'll maintain the lovely half stone weight loss I achieved in week one.

Crikeyalmighty · 01/08/2022 18:24

I had it in February and can only describe it as feeling like a chronic hangover mixed with food poisoning- Just putting washing in was exhausting. Banging constant headache, upset stomache, painful eyes and utter exhaustion- strangely I didn't have much of a cough or temperature. I felt really bad for 6 days and then gradually a bit better every day but didn't feel normal for 3 weeks

smine1 · 01/08/2022 18:12

Dropping like flys at my work .. another two today .. it said on the news it's decreasing?!? Where! Just a question will you be having the 4th jab? My hubby said now he's had it he's not going to have it .. I'm on the fence with this one atm. He had horrible side effects after his where as I had none. I hope all you ladies that are in the crap stage a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹

OP posts:
MsTSwift · 01/08/2022 17:15

Triple jabbed pretty fit and healthy last illness (flu) 2007 so dread to think how it would hit someone more vulnerable!

MsTSwift · 01/08/2022 17:14

Such a weird germ. Most Illnesses you feel terrible feverish for few days then improve. This one I had all sorts of unpleasant odd symptoms that came and went then came back again over about 10 days (splitting headache/ no smell / shivery /hacking cough/ achy muscles /period went haywire / eyes felt disconnected. Felt vaguely human day 10 but didn’t get energy back to be able to exercise etc for about another month. Heavy cold my arse!

BooseysMom · 01/08/2022 17:10

Anyone who says this is just a cold is delusional.

Absolutely. I have a covid-denier in the family and I almost wish she'd get it!!

TinaWeymouthsBass · 01/08/2022 17:07

It's been 22 days since I tested positive, although I feel nearly normal I still have a cough and pain across the top of my back and still have bouts of total fatigue. I usually do at least 3 HIIT training sessions a week but can still only manage a short walk in the morning without feeling like I'm going to pass out.
Anyone who says this is just a cold is delusional.

BooseysMom · 01/08/2022 15:51

Day 3 here and losing taste and smell. Barely any appetite and feel dizzy and out of breath when I move. Still have blocked nose and sore throat. I can't believe there could be weeks of this to go!

Scorpio8 · 01/08/2022 10:12

Anyone have clogged up throat and feel very congested. It's day 6 for me.

My partner day 4 and he quite bad he can't eat incase he be sick.

TheHateIsNotGood · 30/07/2022 21:51

My first time for Covid - triple vaxxed (booster in Dec 2021) and it's taken nearly 2 weeks to be back to a pre-covid mind and body state. Tested positive from Day1 and the next 11 days and felt it too.

Not sure what variant it was but I've called it Wierd Covid, because it was wierd - some days it was like being off my head on painkillers - without any pain or taking any painkillers. Every day involved some sort of inability and fatigue.
Mostly feeling pretty crappy. Not nice.

MeenzAmRhoi · 30/07/2022 15:33

Hoping you all feel better soon!

I was ill Thursday - Tuesday. Wednesday I felt much better but still had blocked ears and extreme exhaustion. I continued to sleep alongside toddler for his nap until Friday, by Saturday my ears had unblocked and I was testing negative! I was sure it would take longer since I'm pregnant but in the end, it went pretty quickly, considering how bad I still was Monday then Wednesday I was suddenly miles better.

BooseysMom · 30/07/2022 15:22

NatMoz · Today 15:13

Let me join this misery club.

All 3 of us in my home caught it including 7 month baby.

It's been hard to recover because of the baby's needs.

I think I'm on day 6 and i walked around the garden and felt exhausted

Welcome to the world of pain! Have you had it before? We have managed to avoid it until now. Are you still getting positive tests?
How has your baby been thru it?
Hope you all recover soon

NatMoz · 30/07/2022 15:13

Let me join this misery club.

All 3 of us in my home caught it including 7 month baby.

It's been hard to recover because of the baby's needs.

I think I'm on day 6 and i walked around the garden and felt exhausted

BooseysMom · 30/07/2022 14:47


@BooseysMom Flowers it's a wanker !! Pop the pills and sleep all you can do x

Thanks.😊 I honestly thought I was gonna pass out earlier.. I could hardly walk! It reminded me of the swine flu. Whoever thinks this is a bad cold has obviously never had it!

I checked 111 and it said call 999 if you feel drowsy so I've been keeping myself awake!

smine1 · 30/07/2022 14:20

@BooseysMom Flowers it's a wanker !! Pop the pills and sleep all you can do x

OP posts:
BooseysMom · 30/07/2022 09:48

This is the first day I've had a strong positive line and I'm feeling horrendous with sweating, aching all over (even my eyeballs are aching ffs!) and coughing and sneezing. I thought it was a bad cold. After 2.5 years it eventually caught up with me!
How's everyone else feeling?

smine1 · 29/07/2022 23:20

@EachandEveryone my ear felt like I was under water , didn't matter how much I held my nose and blew to make them pop I was still underwater feeling , bloody horrible!!

Hoping your all feeling better I'm 2 weeks post , getting there but what a bastard !

OP posts:
EachandEveryone · 29/07/2022 23:08

Im day 8 and still so sweaty. My ears are blocked is that a thing?

Skyellaskerry · 29/07/2022 23:01

@LadyAnglerfish thank you. Yes, I'm improving, just taking its time!

LadyAnglerfish · 29/07/2022 22:17

Goodness, six weeks! Are you improving, just that it’s very slow?

Hope you get back to normal soon.💐


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Skyellaskerry · 29/07/2022 20:20

Sorry to those feeling so rotten and hope you feel better soon. I was 2 weeks off sick, back to work after that but with hindsight it was too soon. It's now 6 or so weeks after testing positive and not feeling great - still got a cough, tired, weak, shortness of breath sometimes. Fully jabbed and not had it before.

Cazziebo · 29/07/2022 12:17

Day 6 for me and woke up this morning without the headache - yay! Honestly felt yesterday that I was never going to feel better again. Haven't eaten all week and lost half a stone. Sneezing and coughing less. Still feel very shaky but that might be no more than lack of food.
Horrible virus!

LadyAnglerfish · 29/07/2022 12:09

It’s fucking outrageous!

And I keep logging on to work, sending a few emails then feeling really tired yet I don’t feel shit enough not to work anymore (no fever, or brain fog, just tired, tired, tired) and supposing everyone at work thinks I’m taking the piss?


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