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This covid is a bastard

144 replies

smine1 · 18/07/2022 17:14

I hang my head in shame I was at the point of 'oh it's a cold' tested positive Wednesday due to a sore throat and BANG the bastard has knocked me off my feet , I have never felt so crap in all my life ... how long have others felt like crap?? My symptoms started with sore throat , then a headache from hell , dizzy , then a full on cold , my teeth even hurt, my body aches ...but no temp and no cough .. Tripled jabbed too .. it needs to go I only started my new job two weeks ago...

OP posts:
Magic1231 · 12/08/2022 11:11

Ahhh sorry to hear that @pinkchampagne1 it really can be a nasty virus. I was the same as your DH, sadly I think a lot of people are taking a good two weeks with it. Although, the worst of what hes going through should past in a few days xxx

pinkchampagne1 · 12/08/2022 09:46

My DH is on day 6 and still really poorly. He seems to perk up a bit and then go downhill again. The cough seems worse now than at the start and he has lost his appetite, has the sweats etc. I thought he would be over the worse by now 🙁

Magic1231 · 12/08/2022 09:37

@Scorpio8 it could be worth doing a test, I'm the same though, the cough settles then suddenly it's back, it's such a weird one. I'm back to wearing a mask in shops now, people will argue that it does nothing, but I'm sure it helps a little xxx

Oh and like others, I'm 3 weeks post getting a negative test and still get breathless, it is very frustrating! You really get lulled into a false sense of security after jabs thinking well it will just be like a cold... yet here we are. Hopefully it passes xxx

Scorpio8 · 12/08/2022 05:01


After yesterday at work and this woman woman I served was coughing so much. She clearly wasn't well. I had to put hand gel on my hands straight after.

This cough has woken me up aswell as my lower back which is due to something else.

I might need to do a test.

takeasadsongandmakeitbetter · 11/08/2022 22:31

Im on my third time!!

I had it last summer - was bed bound for a weekend

I also had it more recently whilst I was induced and in labour (and then surgery) - honestly the worst experience of my life

This time it's not as bad but still a massive pain- DC1 has D&V and DC2 is teething so I'm literally at the end of my tether but it doesn't seem as bad as the last two times (maybe I just can't possibly have time to be ill?!)

You have my sympathy- it really is a BASTARD

ShakespearesSisters · 11/08/2022 22:24

I had it in January, knocked me for 6. Took about 5 weeks to get back to my precovid self. Kids and husband had it too, would have barely known they were ill.
Went camping last week. Did my normal Sunday morning test before work and bam. Got it again. I've had an irritating cough for maybe a day or two. Barely coughed today. Still got my smell and taste which I lost last time and not feeling anymore tired than usual.
I told my cousin who we camped with and she said she was feeling OK Sunday, Monday very rough. Ltf negative. Tuesday rough. Ltf negative. Wednesday feeling much better, now positive. Today child one tested positive after 2 days feeling rough but again, feeling better by time positive. She has 2 more kids and expecting them to go the same way.
It is so random with its symptoms.

smine1 · 11/08/2022 22:21

@BronzeSage thank you

OP posts:
missymarrk · 11/08/2022 22:21

4 weeks since I tested positive and that's me just feeling 100% now. I was lucky to be able to take it easy and rest up! I was in bed for 6 days! If I hadn't been able to take it easy instead to think how shite I'd still feel!

BronzeSage · 11/08/2022 22:18

If you have exhaustion and symptoms of covid after 3 or 4 weeks, slow down. Rest. Your body can use its energy and calories to fix your damaged cells, or for housework and exercise. Not both.

smine1 · 11/08/2022 22:13

@TheHateIsNotGood it's crazy and scary. I'm active and was always running about like a loon , even hoovering the stairs is a challenge I have to sit for a few minutes to recover. I hope this isn't it!! Flowers

OP posts:
TheHateIsNotGood · 11/08/2022 21:57

smine1 - yes, me. I only checked out the Covid Board to see if anyone else had this. At first I thought it was due to less physical activity during my 2 weeks of Covid, and at first I was getting back to normal. A week later, I can do only 10% of the physical stuff I did pre-Covid; turning 60 this month and being physically capable is part of my identity, for decades.

I hope it's something that will pass.

smine1 · 11/08/2022 21:28

Has anyone had shortness of breath 3weeks + past covid . I get so out of breath now 😏

OP posts:
Magic1231 · 11/08/2022 10:10

@BooseysMom as you say, it's just annoyingly tickly, and a certain sensitivity in the chest is what I have, very annoying. I'm 3 weeks post covid now xxx

Magic1231 · 11/08/2022 10:08

@Scorpio8 ahh I know how you feel, i also wondered if I'd been reinforced, pretty certain you havent. It just seems like symptoms including the cough randomly flair up again for a while after, it's strange xxx

BooseysMom · 11/08/2022 08:27

@Scorpio8.. I'm the same. I have an endless annoying tickly cough. We did get it back after a week..tested positive after 2 negatives. We felt like we'd been flattened with a concrete knackered!
hope your cough improves soon.

Scorpio8 · 11/08/2022 05:41

Could that won't get lost I meant so tired

Scorpio8 · 11/08/2022 05:40

I have woken up coughing again just hoping I have not got Covid again and it's just the cough that get lost.
I been have been back nearly 2 weeks and hope not reinfection.

BooseysMom · 10/08/2022 16:17

Thanks 😊it's been 10 days now and I'm still coughing and have a sore throat but it might be the heat and pollen and not the Covid. I'm the same as you with the tiredness and brain fog. I went for a walk today and was shocked how much it took it out of me.
Hope you feel better soon x

Magic1231 · 08/08/2022 17:48

@BooseysMom oh wow, you wouldnt expect to test positive again after two negatives! To be fair after I got two negatives two days in a row (think that was day 11 and 12) I didnt test again, and fortunately nobody has caught anything as of two weeks later. Sadly I'm still suffering! It's very depressing, you have one day where you think things are on the up then bam, next day further downhill. Just feel so lethargic and my brain isnt working, I had a cry again today. I'm sorry you're going through it, how are you feeling? You probably wont be contagious anymore in a couple of days xxx

Buzzinwithbez · 08/08/2022 10:34

BooseysMom · 01/08/2022 17:10

Anyone who says this is just a cold is delusional.

Absolutely. I have a covid-denier in the family and I almost wish she'd get it!!

For some, it is just a cold. We are even less to believe that some get it asymptomatically.

That doesn't negate anyone elses experience. It's our body's individual response to the virus and each one of us is different.

Can I suggest having a look at the work of Dr Shankara Chetty who felt it was a biphasic illness - the respiratory infection part, followed by the body's sensitivity response to the spike proteins. He found using anti histamines promptly, only in the second part could halt the extreme inflammatory responses to the spike.

withiceplease · 08/08/2022 09:45

Tested positive on Saturday. Main problem is sore throat which woke me in night due to dryness and fatigue. No headache but wiped out. Im going away in 10 days so keeping fingers crossed.
No loss of appetite and no loss of sense of smell/taste.

BooseysMom · 08/08/2022 09:38

@Magic1231... I feel your pain!! I tested positive on sat 30/7. It was horrible..fevers, all over aching, nausea, dizziness. Last week I had 2 negative tests then bang!! today its positive again!!! How can that happen? I'm coughing loads but put it down to long covid or hay fever!
Are you still suffering now? How long did you test positive for?


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Magic1231 · 02/08/2022 12:59

I'm 3 weeks on from testing positive, and my god it was way worse than I would have expected! Took a full two weeks, and I'm still feeling weak, brain fog to the point I'm getting frustrated with my memory and how slow it is. Post nasal drip too, which seems to be oddly playing up more today. I've spoke to somebody else who said he took 4 weeks after having it before he got rid of the fatigue and brain fog xxx

LindaEllen · 02/08/2022 10:23

RandomMess · 18/07/2022 17:58

The latest variant is actually making most adult unwell.

Are you a virologist? Because you're talking bollocks.

Only people who have significant symptoms are even testing now. There could still be loads of people who have mild or no symptoms who don't test because they're not free anymore.

Show me the study for what you're saying and I will apologise for saying you're talking bollocks.

Madhairday · 02/08/2022 10:07

That's good Tina, so glad he recovered well. I didn't get the antivirals, I didn't make it to the narrowed down CEV though my health team were really cross that I didn't and tried to get me the 4th vaccine etc. My vulnerability isn't immunosuppression so that was that. I think it would have made a huge difference. I'm seeing my consultant tomorrow so am going to push to get the vaccine and antiviral next time etc if I can. Exhausted.

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