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This covid is a bastard

144 replies

smine1 · 18/07/2022 17:14

I hang my head in shame I was at the point of 'oh it's a cold' tested positive Wednesday due to a sore throat and BANG the bastard has knocked me off my feet , I have never felt so crap in all my life ... how long have others felt like crap?? My symptoms started with sore throat , then a headache from hell , dizzy , then a full on cold , my teeth even hurt, my body aches ...but no temp and no cough .. Tripled jabbed too .. it needs to go I only started my new job two weeks ago...

OP posts:
longleggitybeastie · 14/09/2022 23:33

Sorry to hear about the cough and breathlessness, sounds worrying and I'm lucky I seem to have got away with that. Hope you get some rest from it tonight. My taste has been weird, coming and going the whole time. Coffee still tastes rank which I'm pissed off about!!

Underroad · 14/09/2022 21:54

How is everyone this evening? I feel a very tiny bit less horrible but the classic Covid cough and shortness of breath has kicked in. I was really hoping I would t get it this time. Plus my taste went for about 5 hours earlier but it’s come back now.

longleggitybeastie · 13/09/2022 20:58

Oh that's good to know, thanks @TinaWeymouthsBass 😊

TinaWeymouthsBass · 13/09/2022 16:41

You can have a booster 28 days after a positive test in the UK

longleggitybeastie · 13/09/2022 14:54

So annoying isn't it? I suppose this also means no boosters for 12 weeks? Gah, if I get it again before Christmas I'll be most annoyed!

Underroad · 13/09/2022 14:00

I’m here on day 2. I’ve had it a couple of times before and am triple jabbed so hoped it would be like a mild cold. Wrong. I feel absolutely vile.

longleggitybeastie · 13/09/2022 09:41

Can I join the pity party? Actually tested negative today (day 11) but still feel complete shit. I've had no cough thankfully but the nausea and fatigue are something else! I'm triple jabbed but last one was in November. Everyone else in the family jabbed more recently and over it quicker.

BooseysMom · 11/09/2022 20:56

LadyAnglerfish · 27/08/2022 10:21

Yesterday I reviewed a board report I’d written while ill, just before I gave up trying and went to bed. Thank heavens it didn’t go out, I’d never read such nonsense!

Rest, rest, rest everybody. Don’t try to work through it. Hope you all feel better soon

A belated thank you from me! Hope you are recovering now and got that report finished!

LadyAnglerfish · 27/08/2022 10:21

Yesterday I reviewed a board report I’d written while ill, just before I gave up trying and went to bed. Thank heavens it didn’t go out, I’d never read such nonsense!

Rest, rest, rest everybody. Don’t try to work through it. Hope you all feel better soon.

BooseysMom · 27/08/2022 09:51

@baroqueandblue.. Hi, omg poor you! Honestly that sounds horrendous. I'm sorry to hear you're still suffering so much and with the unrelated infection too.. a double whammy! The magnesium glycinate sounds good though with you being able to get some sleep now.
Well I've started coughing again now and had a couple of absolutely awful coughing fits at work whilst on the phone which was embarrassing! Also I still feel very tired and have dizzy spells. I thought it was hay fever as I do get that too but it probably is the covid as all my sinuses are congested.
I phoned the doctor and he said it's not classed as long Covid unless you're still getting symptoms 12 weeks on.
Such endless fun!!
Sending you and everyone here get well wishes x

baroqueandblue · 26/08/2022 23:30

Hi @BooseysMom yes that symptom on your neck sounds very unsettling and I'm pleased to hear it passed eventually 😲 And how is your cough now, almost 10 days after your post? I hope it's not still troubling you (and your colleagues 😉)

Apologies for the late reply, I've been really poorly and still struggling unfortunately. Thankfully my eyes are much better, but generally I've felt like I've been hit by a bus. Even tonight I feel shivery at times, congested breathing, back and chest pain, exhausted, depressed, and the most disconcerting whooshing sensations in my head along with some tinnitus. I can't focus on anything for very long and constantly feel like I just want to be asleep! Today I've started taking metatone tonic and I think it's helping a bit. Yesterday I started taking magnesium glycinate because I read somewhere it helped people with long covid, and I think it has improved the quality of my sleep already.

Think what hasn't helped was having an (unrelated) infection a few weeks ago and being given a massive one-off dose of azithromycin, which then played havoc with my gastrointestinal tract. Just (hopefully) starting to get that under control with probiotics but it has been a nightmare that it coincided with covid.

Anyway, thank you for reading my tale of woe! Really hope you and your husband are feeling fully recovered and have been able to enjoy some of the end of summer.

BooseysMom · 17/08/2022 20:36


Thanks for your reply. I'm glad my post helped. The good thing is the achey sore eyes soon fade. I had another weird symptom when each side of my neck below my ears became sore and red, and the skin was kind of dry and bumpy to touch. It was really scary but thank god it did disappear after about 3 days. Weird!

Thanks, yes my cough seems to have finally settled after a bad few days of random coughing fits at work that made everyone angry probably!

How are you feeling now?

baroqueandblue · 15/08/2022 20:32

Thanks @frazzledasarock , really good to hear you've come through it although I'm sorry it wore you out so much. Can take such an emotional toll on us 😔 I had those tremors with it the first time, was quite worried for a while but eventually they went away.

frazzledasarock · 15/08/2022 19:25

I took two weeks this time to get over it. I had flu like symptoms, high temperature aching joints, painful sinuses for about two weeks, by week two I just had the feeling utterly hopeless empty and exhausted.

I kept thinking I was better would start working and find I’d get the shakes and feel physically weak and exhausted.

I still tested positive on day ten so stayed indoors and away from other people till the symptoms all disappeared.

hope you feel better soon.

baroqueandblue · 15/08/2022 19:19

Hi @BooseysMom thank you for your lovely kind response! 😃

It's interesting that your husband had the aching eyes, I really appreciate hearing that because I'm male too and it might be one of those weird covid symptoms that seem to depend on which chromosomes we have 😄 Seriously though, it's reassuring to hear that his eyes felt better after a week, gives me hope.

I really hope your chest clears quickly and you start to feel properly better this week 🙏

BooseysMom · 15/08/2022 18:58

Magic1231 · 11/08/2022 10:10

@BooseysMom as you say, it's just annoyingly tickly, and a certain sensitivity in the chest is what I have, very annoying. I'm 3 weeks post covid now xxx

Well I still have the cough and just starting the 3rd week now. It's gone from being a tickly cough to going onto my chest. How is yours now?


Sorry to hear you are so poorly. I completely sympathise. It does make you feel so low. When I had the fevers I was trying 111 over & over again and just gave up and cried. I was scared cos the symptoms were so strong with all-over aching and nausea and dizziness every time I needed to get out of bed. Thank god that stage of it only lasted 2 days but that was long enough.

My DH had really sore aching eyes. You having this is the only other time I have heard it. He said it lasted about a week.

I hope you soon feel better. Thankfully the heat has gone now which will help.

baroqueandblue · 15/08/2022 18:38

Sorry to hear how many of you have been hit with covid multiple times. I've had it at least twice, most recently in March/April and haven't properly recovered since then. But I came onto the thread because I've been feeling dreadful since Friday and wanted to ask about symptoms. I know they can vary according to variants and I don't have any tests so am just lying low.

Only a slight cough and, now and again, a twinge of achey throat, but the headaches, fatigue, nausea, awful taste in my mouth, tinnitus and sore, painful eyes have laid me out flat this last couple of days. The heat hasn't helped (south east London). I've stayed well-hydrated and slept a lot during the day, but have needed cocodamol to cope with the headaches and the back/leg pain. A lot of the pain is on my right side, with flare ups of old back and hip pain, and a weird crampy/restless feeling in my leg. I feel depressed and have been very tearful on and off, with dark thoughts. Appetite not great.

It has taken quite a different course to the bout I had in spring, and is probably more like the experience I had in 2020, but obviously I can't be sure it's covid without testing. I wonder if anyone has had a similar experience recently? Sleep does nothing for the headaches, which have moved from left to right, front to back, and been pretty bad (I say that as a chronic migraine sufferer). The aching eyes has really upset me, such a horrible scary feeling and I had that symptom post-covid in spring but an eye health check showed up nothing directly attributable to the virus.

Apologies for the long post, and I hope you're all feeling some proper improvement in your symptoms. Thank goodness the heat is about to break! Confused

Muddlebubble · 13/08/2022 09:47

Day 4 a few aches and pains still and now all blocked up.
Hope everyone else is ok

Scorpio8 · 12/08/2022 20:06


Sorry your still not feeling great still. I don't blame you for wearing masks in shops..I really should my work has no air conditioning won't be able to breathe.

Today I received a text saying I been close to someone with Covid. But tested negative.

TheHateIsNotGood · 12/08/2022 18:53

BronzeSage many thanks for the advice. I used it to alter my mindset from thinking about what I can't do to thinking about repairing my 'damaged cells' as the main point and after that putting one leg in front of the other.

And feel much better for it

Before then, I did rest a lot, vastly reducing what I normally did and don't get my physical ability from gyms anyway (not for covid reasons),

I'll report back in a day or two to see if it's a sustained trajectory and not just an up in the cv19 rollercoaster.

Muddlebubble · 12/08/2022 14:19

Yup unsettled stomach is added extra too. My sister has/had it when we went camping then my daughter who has escaped without any symptoms apart from a headache day one.
My house is like a sauna i want to sleep the day away but its too hot and my ribs hurt now.

Pacidove · 12/08/2022 12:17

So sorry to read that this variant is impacting everyone so much. I'm on day 4 here and feel rubbish. Symptoms started with chills, fever, headache and sore throat and have progressed to crushing body aches in my back and legs and tinnitus which is slowly driving me mad. Have been woken up at 3am the last few nights and taken a while to get back to sleep again.

We think DS had it as he had vomiting/diarrhea/fever last week but luckily he seems fine now and DH has so far escaped which means I have been able to rest whilst he looks after DS.

I hadn't anticipated until reading this thread that it could go on for so long, I was hoping to feel well again by the weekend but seems I need to manage expectations


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pinkchampagne1 · 12/08/2022 11:41

Muddlebubble, I hope you’re feeling better soon. My DH was suffering with the sweats this morning and sure the hot weather has made him worse.
Does anyone else in your household have it?

pinkchampagne1 · 12/08/2022 11:40

Oh I do hope so. It has been a nasty virus - I really thought he would be over the worse by now. He has an unsettled stomach too which he is putting down to all the pills he has been popping the last few days

Muddlebubble · 12/08/2022 11:35

Hi, im on day 3, oh my god the upper back pain is awful, i feel like i have been eaten up.
My whole body aches and coughing up phlem. Its rubbish, this heat wave isn't helping at all

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