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Please someone talk me down

8 replies

BottledItB · 17/11/2020 11:05

My step child has just tested positive for Covid. He is okay, he's not ill and has no symptoms basically.

But I am pregnant, nearly 30 weeks and I am absolutely petrified now that I've got it and it's going to harm my baby.

OP posts:
Jrobhatch29 · 17/11/2020 14:18

Try not to worry though I know how vulnerable you feel when pregnant. My friend has just finished her isolation today after having covid. She's 32 weeks pregnant and had it really mildly. She has been decorating and put her Xmas tree up whilst at home. She was straight out to the shops today!

doireallyneedaname · 17/11/2020 14:15

If it’s any consolation my old pregnancy group is full of pregnant ladies who have had Covid and are totally fine! I was surprised as I’m an anxious person but statistically you and baby won’t have any problems if you do get it.

PickleWithEverything · 17/11/2020 12:09

I think when you are pregnant every health scare can be absolutely terrifying. It is partly hormonal and partly because you so desperately want to have the healthiest, safest pregnancy you can. (I remember falling downstairs in my first trimester and tortured myself for weeks wondering if I was going to lose my baby.) If you have miscarried before, your anxiety is completely understandable. Everyone is going to pile in here and reassure you that you don't need to be terrified.

Why not call your midwife and ask for reassurance around the risk to the baby, based on your age and weight and health generally?

And then whenever your find yourself worrying, pinch yourself and go do something nice to distract yourself. Have a bubble bath, or do a dance workout, or read a novel.

BottledItB · 17/11/2020 11:35


Was there a reason he got tested?
Do you have any underlying conditions that would make you more vulnerable?

Someone in his class tested positive and he had a temp (when at his mum's not with us).

No I don't have any underlying issues.

I know logically that there is no evidence regarding pregnant women being affected more. But it took us so long, after years of miscarriages to get this far. I am absolutely terrified.
OP posts:
dementedpixie · 17/11/2020 11:19
dementedpixie · 17/11/2020 11:17

Was there a reason he got tested?
Do you have any underlying conditions that would make you more vulnerable?

BottledItB · 17/11/2020 11:14

No, we saw him early weekend though.

OP posts:
dementedpixie · 17/11/2020 11:08

Does he live with you? When did you last see him?

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